The new animated series, Pantheon, is set to debut on AMC+ on Thursday, September 1, 2022. The series focuses on a young woman whose life changes forever after she receives a mysterious message from an anonymous man who claims to be her late father.
The series stars a number of prominent actors as part of its voicecast, including Katie Chang, Daniel Dae Kim, and more.
Read on to find out more details about the voicecast of the animated sci-fi show.
AMC+'s Pantheon voicecast list: Katie Chang and others star in major roles
1) Katie Chang as Maddie
Katie Chang plays the role of Maddie, a young woman who receives messages from a man claiming to be her late father. Maddie is the protagonist of the series, and it'll be interesting to see how Chang's voice acting pans out on the show.
Chang has essayed a wide range of roles in various films and shows like The Outcasts, A Birder's Guide to Everything, The Bling Ring, and Anesthesia, to name a few.
2) Daniel Dae Kim as David
Actor Daniel Dae Kim lends his voice to the role of David, a mysterious man who sends messages to Maddie claiming to be her dead father. Kim's role is pivotal to the series' philosophical arc.
He's appeared in a number of critically acclaimed series like Lost, Angel, and Hawaii Five-0. Kim's movie credits include Hellboy, Stowaway, and Blast Beat, to name a few.
3) Rosemarie DeWitt as Ellen
Rosemarie DeWitt voices the character of Ellen in Pantheon. Ellen is Maddie's mother, with whom she doesn't share a very close relationship.
DeWitt has essayed several memorable roles in shows like Standoff and United States of Tara. She's also played pivotal roles in films like Rachel Getting Married, Poltergeist, and The Professor.
4) Paul Dano as Caspian
Paul Dano lends his voice to Caspian, a computer scientist who helps out Maddie in her quest for the truth.
Dano has been a part of many critically acclaimed movies like Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood, which also features Daniel Day Lewis, Little Miss Sunshine, and the Brad Pitt starrer 12 Years a Slave. His TV credits include War & Peace, Escape at Dannemora, and The Sopranos, among several others.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the series also stars several others in crucial supporting roles, like:
- Aaron Eckhart as Cary
- Taylor Schilling as Renee
- Raza Jaffrey as Chanda
- Chris Diamantopoulos as Pope
- Anika Noni Rose as Nicole
The show is written, created, and executive-produced by Craig Silverstein, who's best known for his work on Nikita, Turn, and Terranova.
More details about Pantheon plot and trailer
The official trailer for Pantheon showcases several thrilling events set to unfold in the series. The ambitious show explores a number of fascinating themes like humanity's relationship with technology, family, and many more.
Based on the trailer, viewers can expect a thought-provoking, emotional series replete with numerous fascinating characters. The official synopsis of the show, according to AMC, reads:
''Pantheon focuses on Maddie (Chang), a bullied teen who receives mysterious help from someone online. The stranger is soon revealed to be her recently deceased father, David (Kim), whose consciousness has been uploaded to the Cloud following an experimental destructive brain scan.''
The synopsis further reads,
''David is the first of a new kind of being: an “Uploaded Intelligence” or “UI,” but he will not be the last, as a global conspiracy unfolds that threatens to trigger a new kind of world war.''
Don't forget to catch Pantheon on AMC+ on Thursday, September 1, 2022.