Rumors of Parent’s Choice Baby Wipes being recalled have made rounds on the internet. However, an official statement was not made until April 28. Currently, specific numbers of the products are being removed from shelves after people reported that infants were dealing with respiratory issues after using the wipes.
Netizens took to Reddit to express their confusion about the safety of the Parent’s Choice Baby Wipes. Reddit user MommyGuin claimed that the wipes turned brown after usage. The Baby Center website also claimed that an orange color was visible on the user’s hands and the stain was unable to come off as well. The website also read that the coloring caused a burning sensation.
The website stated that the product contained arsenic and mercury, leading to an unexpected color change.
Netizens in the States expressed immense confusion as different Walmart branches expressed uncertainties regarding the product recall. The official Walmart website has not stated that the product has been removed from shelves. However, a few internet users claimed that the product had been withdrawn and that Walmart was initiating refunds for those who brought the items back to stores.
Is there a recall on Parent’s Choice Baby Wipes?
Twitter user Presley Brookee posted a picture of a notice sent to all Walmart stores regarding the withdrawal of the baby wipes. According to the same, only a few lot numbers were being recalled from stores.
“A message has been sent to all stores on April 25, 2022 to remove specific lot numbers of the Parent’s Choice Baby Wipes and to send those specific lots to the Return Centers.”
The lot numbers to be withdrawn are: L22075, L22076, L22077, L22078, L22079, L22080, L22081, L22082, L22083, L22084, L22085, L22089, L22090, L22091, L22092, L22093, L22094, and L22095.
One can locate the lot numbers on the upper front portion of the box. The first six digits of the printed number display the same as well.
Instructions were specified to the Claims Team concerning what they must do regarding the segregation of the lot numbers.