Pete Davidson's latest comedy series, Bupkis, premiered on the Peacock streaming platform on May 4, 2023. The show follows the life of Davidson, who plays himself in the show. He is joined by Joe Pesci, who plays his grandfather, and Edie Falco, who takes on the role of his mother. The show is written by Davidson, Judah Miller, and Dave Sirus, with SNL creator Lorne Michaels serving as a producer.
The show's description promises a "heightened, fictionalized version" of Davidson's life, where absurd elements are mixed with grounded storytelling. It's a formula that has worked well for Davidson in the past, as evidenced by his critically acclaimed film, The King of Staten Island.
Bupkis trailer reveals absurd take on Pete Davidson's life with Joe Pesci's involvement
A trailer has already been released, featuring a star-studded cast that includes Joe Pesci and Edie Falco. Bupkis marks Davidson's return to television after leaving the cast of SNL last year. He is set to host the show on May 6, 2023.
In the show, Pesci plays the role of Pete Davidson's grandfather in this fictionalized version of the comedian's life. Joe Pesci is a well-known actor and musician from the United States. He was born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1943 and began his career as a child actor in the 1950s. Pesci is perhaps best known for his roles in mob movies such as Goodfellas, Casino, and The Irishman, for which he won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.
He has also appeared in comedies, including Home Alone and its sequel, as well as the Lethal Weapon series. Pesci's involvement in Bupkis comes years after his work in Martin Scorsese's epic gangster film, The Irishman, in 2019. This will be Pesci's first time starring in a television series in 37 years.
The trailer for Davidson's show offers a glimpse into what viewers can expect from the show. It features Davidson in various absurd situations, such as wearing a spacesuit and being launched into space. There's plenty of slapstick humor and witty one-liners to keep viewers entertained, and the show promises to be one of the funniest comedies of 2023.
Davidson has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry with a string of successful film and television appearances. He has proven himself to be a talented writer and performer, and Bupkis looks set to be another feather in his cap.
Apart from Pete Davidson, Joe Pesci, and Edie Falco, the show features a talented roster of guest stars which includes Bobby Cannavale, Colson "Machine Gun Kelly" Baker, Steve Buscemi, Charlie Day, Ray Romano, Sunita Mani, Chase Sui Wonders, Marissa Jaret Wionkur, and others.
With Davidson at the helm and a skilled cast and crew behind the show, Bupkis is expected to be a noteworthy addition to the comedy genre. However, it remains to be seen whether the show will live up to the hype. Nonetheless, fans are excited to see what the show has to offer and whether it will provide a fresh and amusing perspective on Davidson's life.
Bupkis is currently streaming on Peacock.