Pinocchio is an American musical fantasy film directed by Robert Zemeckis and is based on Carlo Collodi's Italian book from 1883, The Adventures of Pinocchio. The 2022 live-action version of the tale is also an adaptation of the 1940 animated film of the same name.
The movie was released on Disney+ on Thursday, September 8, 2022.
The story revolves around Geppetto, who carves out a puppet boy and names it Pinocchio. The tale follows a puppet's journey after he is brought to life by a wishing star. However, he can only become a human if he becomes brave and honest. Pinocchio's experiences throughout the film make him imbibe these values.
While Tom Hanks plays Geppetto, Pinocchio is voiced by Benjamin Evan Ainsworth. Other characters include Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Jiminy Cricket, Keegan Michael-Kay as Honest John, Lorraine Bracco as Sophia, and Kyanne Lamaya as Sabina.
In addition to Hanks, the cast includes Cynthia Erivo as the Blue Fairy, Luke Evans as the Coachman, and Lamaya as Fabiana, among others.
Read on to learn more about the wooden boy's experiences in the film.
Three experiences that shaped Pinocchio's worldview
Pinocchio apologized to Jiminy in Stromboli's wagon
The first instance of Pinocchio realizing he was wrong in ignoring Jiminy Cricket was when he was caged in Stromboli's wagon. The Italian marionette held Pinocchio captive to display him at his puppet shows worldwide. When Jiminy Cricket arrived, he confronted Pinocchio about his actions.
The wooden boy stayed in denial for some time as his nose elongated. Unlike the latest film, in the 1940 version, the Blue Fairy arrived to help them and remarked that as lies would keep piling, Pinocchio's nose would get longer. Pinocchio's nose was long enough to access the key that would free him from the cage.
It was then that Pinocchio apologized to Jiminy Cricket for not listening to him outside the school. Meanwhile, Jiminy said,
"It's not about what you are made of on the outside. Being real is in your heart. That's what being real is all about."
Pinocchio's time on the Pleasure Island
Pleasure Island resembles an amusement park to spoil children and traffic them. The only difference is that children don't have a say about their time there. If any kid is found on the streets after a specific time of the night, they are kidnapped by the Coachman, who takes them to Pleasure Island.
Similarly, Pinocchio was kidnapped from the streets after he escaped Stromboli and tried to return home. Unlike the 1940 film, which just saw young boys getting kidnapped, the latest film also portrays girls getting abducted.
While other kids enjoyed free root bears and mountains of candy, Pinocchio was scared of their unruly behavior. When Pinocchio entered the Clock Stoppers' den with his new friend Lampy, he proclaimed,
"Something tells me my father might not be too happy if he knew I was here."
Pinocchio had finally developed a conscience of his own, which helped him escape being trafficked to the salt mines.
Pinocchio rejected Fabiana and Sabina's proposal to join their new company
After Pinocchio did not find Geppetto at his home and was informed that the latter was on his way to Pleasure Island to find him, the puppet-turned-kid decided to help. While he was waiting at the pier, Fabiana and Sabina approached him with a proposition to join their new puppet show, New Marionette Family Theater, which started after Stromboli was arrested.
Although Pinocchio was attracted to the proposal and was tempted to join them as the headliner of their show, he prioritized his father's safety. Sabina responded,
"Pinocchio, something tells me the decision you made is the right one."
As a result of Pinocchio's choice, his donkey ears and tail disappear.
Pinocchio is currently streaming on Disney+.