Pinocchio, the latest live-action adaptation of the 1940 animated film, will be premiering on Disney+ on Thursday, September 8, 2022. The film stars Tom Hanks, Cynthia Erivo, and Luke Evans in lead roles, and is directed by Robert Zemeckis, who also wrote the screenplay for the film.
Pinocchio's character development is dependent on Jiminy Cricket. The character was adapted from the 1883 Italian book, The Adventures of Pinocchio, by Carlo Collodi. Although Jiminy Cricket has evolved over the movies, each version has managed to capture the essence of the character.
While the trend of making live-action versions of animated Disney films started quite some time back, Pinocchio is finally joining the list of films that have been remade in live-action.
Everything we know about Pinocchio's Jiminy Cricket
1) The name 'Jiminy' only came with the Disney adaptation
Jiminy Cricket is only referred to as 'Talking Cricket' in the literary version of the story. In the fourth chapter of The Adventures of Pinocchio, the 'Talking Cricket' tries to persuade Pinocchio to behave better. Disney's decision to give the character a more realistic name increased its popularity.
While Carlo Collodi intended the Talking Cricket to be a wise old cricket who knows more than the protagonist, Jiminy Cricket was given a sense of humor in Disney's 1940 adaptation. Jiminy Cricket was chosen by the Blue Fairy to guide a skittish Pinocchio. The Blue Fairy was also known as the Fairy with Turquoise Hair in the book.
2) Jiminy Cricket doesn't exactly resemble a cricket
Jiminy Cricket is unlike any other cricket character in Disney's adaptation of the story. His anatomy is unusual for a cricket. The character has four legs, a greenish color, and short antennae.
Jiminy Cricket dresses similarly to an older gentleman from the nineteenth century. He always wears a blue hat and carries an umbrella. He is also designed to walk on two legs, giving him a human-like appearance.
3) He appears in other Disney films too
Jiminy Cricket's significance goes beyond his appearance in this film. After winning the hearts of both children and adults, the character was included in several other popular Disney films that followed. What is less well-known is that the character's name comes from an earlier film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
In the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, the dwarves substitute the phrase "Jiminy Cricket!" for "Jesus Christ!" The character was also seen in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz. Following the 1940 animated film, it appeared as the Ghost of Christmas Past in Mickey's Christmas Carol and in the musical, Fun and Fancy Free.
4) Jiminy is a wise and conscientious cricket
The Talking Cricket in the book is mistreated by Pinocchio and plays a minor role in the plot. However, the character's wise nature is exaggerated in the Disney adaptation, as Jiminy Cricket becomes an important character who follows the protagonist everywhere.
Disney, ever the child-friendly brand, retains Jiminy Cricket to serve as the hero's conscience. Sent by the Blue Fairy, he takes his job of morally guiding the main character very seriously while also providing comic relief.
5) Jiminy Cricket is voiced by Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the new film
Because the character is computer generated and only requires a voice actor, the new Jiminy Cricket is voiced by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The actor rose to prominence following his performance in 500 Days of Summer, and he is also a popular singer. He previously worked as a voice actor in Star Wars: Vision's English version.
The live-action movie releases on Disney+ on Thursday, September 8, 2022, and stars Tom Hanks as Geppetto, Cynthia Erivo as the Blue Fairy and Luke Evans as The Coachman.