Recently, YouTuber “Party in Backyard” posted an animated video featuring two of the biggest female internet personalities: Belle Delphine and Imane “Pokimane” Anys.
The YouTuber generally posts videos revolving around different pop culture phenomena and uses remixed versions of existing songs. The rap battle titled “Belle Delphine vs Pokimane (Rap Battle)" features animated versions of the two personalities as they engage in a hilarious rap battle.
Belle Delphine's animation is seen taking digs at various highlights of Pokimane’s career. On the other hand, Belle Delphine’s questionable brand of content and her tendency to attract only a particular kind of viewer was picked up by the animated version of Pokimane.
Pokimane battles Belle Delphine in a hilarious animated rap battle
Belle Delphine initiated the rap battle by talking about how “simps” worldwide have already proclaimed her as their new queen.
On the other hand, Pokimane shed light on how she is a self-made gamer, first and foremost. She talked about her League of Legends exploits along with the fact that she has her own skin on Fortnite.
She also highlighted Belle Delphine's sketchy brand of content and her tendency to promote weird products.
Pokimane also reminded Belle Delphine that she has her own “Simp” fans, who regularly support and donate money.

Finally, Belle Delphine rapped about how she has been on top despite the trouble that platforms such as Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube have given her because of her brand of content.
She also pointed out that Pokimane is simply a streamer without anything else worthy of note. Pokimane’s copystrikes against PewDiePie and “apologies” were also included.
Both Pokimane and Belle Delphine had quite a few downright hilarious things to say about each others' careers in the video.
Overall, the rap battle was epic, and viewers were to decide who the winner was. This video will only help enhance their fame. It will not be a surprise to see the two streamers pick a mic and battle it out in real life after this.