In the K-Drama Police University, Sun-ho is a hacker turned police university student after getting caught by the cops for stealing around $12,000 in total. He stole for his brother's university expenditure and his father's medical expenses.
This put him in the bad books of a veteran detective, Dong-man, who let Sun-ho off because his father had gotten on his knees. However, because he failed to catch the culprits behind a huge gambling ring, he was transferred to the Police University to work as a professor.
It was only in the previous episode that Dong-man learned the truth about Sun-ho being the hacker called Hacker Yoon that he had been in touch with on the dark web. He had gone by the username Bird on the dark web and had not revealed that he was a cop.
Why did Dong-man tell Sun-ho the truth in Police University episode 3?
In Police University episode 3, when Dong-man was desperate for help, he reached out to Sun-ho and told him the truth. Dong-man's partner Chul-jin was in cohorts with the criminals behind the gambling ring.
However, Dong-man was not aware of it. These men seemed to blackmail and even threaten Chul-jin to get Dong-man off their back.
However, Chul-jin couldn't betray his partner any longer and was about to confess to him over the call when he got attacked by someone. This person's face was not revealed, and it was clear that they had a connection in some way to the Police University.
The last words that Chul-jin had said before he was struck in the head were that the people behind the gambling ring were related to the university.
However, the only way Dong-man could find the truth at that moment was to ask for Sun-ho's help. The former was anxious when he asked Sun-ho to hack illegally and track the people behind the gambling ring, especially since they used cryptocurrency to hide their trail.
The question now is if Sun-ho would agree. Wouldn't he feel betrayed by Dong-man? He would realize that the cop had hidden the truth from him for so long and might even wonder if this was the reason why Dong-man allowed him to pass the training to join the Police University.
Police University stars Cha Tae-hyun, Jung Jin-young, and Krystal Jung in lead roles.