On Wednesday, The Masked Singer Season 7 aired Episode 7 and featured five new participants. One of them was the Prince from Team Good.
The Prince appeared to be donning royalty from head to toe but had the face of a frog. The panelists were pretty impressed with the Prince's outfit, but their jaws dropped once he started singing.
He began his song on a high note, and both the audience and the judges were surprised. The Prince sang La Copa de la Vida by Ricky Martin, and viewers found his voice similar to that of Enrique Iglesias.
What do fans have to say?
Fans have been guessing names like Cheyenne Jackson, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Matthew Morrison. However, a majority have gone for Spanish singer and songwriter Enrique Iglesias, who was once on the top singers’ list in America.
Here’s what fans have to say:
What are the Prince’s clues?
The first participant of The Masked Singer Season 7 Episode 7 was Prince. He sang Rick Martin’s La Copa de la Vida and dazzled the audience with his powerful voice.
After the performance, a box commercial was played that gave away a few clues about the person behind the frog prince mask. It featured a workout video with the following hints: lily pad lead, diamond ring, the year 2006, and rich and bend. While talking to the judges, the Prince mentioned that he was happy to be “back on the team.”
Host Nick Cannon also pointed out that the participant was singing in Spanish. As per the panelists’ guesses, Ken Jeong guessed what the viewers were thinking all along - Enrique Iglesias.
Robin Thicke guessed that it was Prince of New York Derek Jeter, while Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg pointed out the diamond as the hint and guessed Alex Rodriguez. Wahlberg chose Rodriguez because he took the diamond ring back from Jennifer Lopez around 2006. Fourth judge Nicole Scherzinger agreed with Jeong.
Nick Cannon then played a clip of a person with whom Prince hangs out a lot, and it featured actress Jamie Lee Curtis. She wished Prince good luck in the video.
More about The Masked Singer Episode 7
Apart from Team Good's Prince, the latest episode featured three more participants:
Team Good: Space Bunny
Team Bad: Jack in the Box, Queen Cobra
Team Cuddly: Baby Mammoth
The official synopsis of The Masked Singer Episode 7 reads:
“A brand-new group of five singers is introduced in the third and final round of the season. Characters from Team Good, Team Bad, and Team Cuddly take the stage for the first time and one will be unmasked.”
Meanwhile, Episode 7 was the beginning of round 3, as the first two rounds got their finalists. Firefly from round 1 and Ringmaster from round 2 are the finalists, and they will be joined by one of the participants from round 3.
The Masked Singer airs new episodes every Wednesday on FOX at 8.00 pm ET.