Actress Priyanka Chopra has removed her husband Nick Jonas’ last name from her Instagram handle, which has sparked divorce rumors following their long-term wedding. Following their wedding in India, the Quantico actress had added "Jonas" to her social media handles which have now disappeared.
Fans of the former Miss World are speculative about the couple’s potential unsteady relationship. Social media is now filled with netizens questioning what happened between Priyanka Chopra and the Jealous singer.
The couple got married in December 2018. Since then, they have flooded each other’s social media accounts with pictures of them together.
Priyanka Chopra trends on Twitter as netizens question status of her marriage
Prior to rumors of their split coming into being, the two had posted pictures of themselves celebrating the popular Indian festival Diwali together. Their Instagram profile included pictures of them dressed to the nines in their new California mansion.
The pictures have since gone viral on social media. She wrote in a post’s caption:
"Our first Diwali in our first home together. This one will always be special. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this evening so special. You’re my angels".
She added:
“to the best husband and partner nickjonas, you are what dreams are made of. I love you. My heart is so grateful and full.”
Though it may seem too soon to make one’s own assumption, this did not stop the internet. Some tweets about Priyanka Chopra, 39, and Nick Jonas, 29, read:
“@priyankachopra are you alright? Just saw you removed Jonas from your surname. Please tell me you guys are still together @nickjonas”
“Contract finished marriage finished.”
“Why did priyanka chopra remove jonas from her insta name ? Dont tell me it’s another breakup”
As breakup rumors spread like wildfire online, the actress's career continues to flourish. She will be seen opposite Keanu Reeves in the latest movie from the Matrix franchise, The Matrix Resurrections. The movie will be released in theaters and on HBO Max at the end of the year.
Nick Jonas is taking part in Netflix’s Jonas Brothers Family Roast where the Jonas Brothers will be seen together.