Bravo aired a two-part debut of Project Runway's twentieth season on June 15, 2023. Premiering its first season on December 1, 2004, the Bravo series gained critical acclaim, earning an Emmy nomination for its debut season. Over the past seasons, Project Runway has constantly featured engaging challenges, each revealing a designer's design aesthetic and their splendid ensembles that flawlessly merge elegance and creativity.
Viewers are consistently astounded by the designers' abilities to create these looks in such a short amount of time. Transforming ordinary materials into extraordinary attire and drawing inspiration from Yoplait for a rave-style twist, these Project Runway dresses have achieved notable fame.
Austin Scarlett's Corn Husk Dress and six other Project Runway dresses of all time
1. Sonjia Williams' Aquatic-Inspired Candy Dress
In an unusual materials challenge, participants were tasked with creating apparel out of confectionery items. Sonjia Williams, in response to this challenge, created a dress with a blue monochromatic palette and intermittent white accents to evoke an aquatic theme.
Notably, she added gummy sharks to the neckline, emphasizing the marine theme. Williams used a meticulous approach to incorporate various textures and colors into her garment by incorporating jellybeans, candy pearls, and rock candy, resulting in a visually captivating confection of a dress.
2. Samantha Black's Hard and Soft Garment
Project Runaway designers of the eleventh season incorporated unique materials from a flower shop and a hardware store into their ideas. Teams of three were tasked with combining pieces from these many sources to produce a unified apparel line that contrasted the suppleness of floral themes with the robustness of hardware materials.
Designer Samantha Black's inventive use of contact paper, wire mesh, calla lilies, and green leaves is particularly remarkable. Beyond all expectations, the incredible final product appears to have been made from traditional fabric rather than the unusual combination of materials used in its construction.
3. Austin Scarlett's Corn Husk Dress
Austin Scarlett, known for his innovative approach to design, stunned viewers in the first season's unconventional materials challenge of Project Runway by using corn husks as the primary material for his creation. Scarlett pushed the boundaries of his skills and imagination to create a unique dress that captivated both the judges and the audience.
The challenge not only demonstrated his ability to transform ordinary items into couture masterpieces but also cemented his reputation as a formidable designer. Austin Scarlett has left an indelible mark on the fashion world in the years since the competition, maintaining an enduring presence with his exclusive lines of couture, bridal, and evening collections.
4. Sean Kelly's Tye Dye Rain Dress
Although Kini Zamora's umbrella dress appears to be a serious contender for the best look of Season 13, Kelly's design ultimately wins out due to its boldness. It was a challenge for designers to create ensembles fit for a wet runway.
Sean's design stood out because it welcomed the rain, unlike many others that concentrated on keeping water out. Sean's summer dress, which had been a beautiful white one, took on an intriguing new look after it came into contact with water.
As vivid red and yellow hues from the powdered color dye formed a gorgeous tie-dye effect, softly cascading down the runway, the runway presentation got an unexpected and artistic touch.
5. Korto Momolu’s Seat Belt Coat
Korto Momolu created an entire costume out of Saturn hybrid car parts, and her use of seatbelts for a mod 1960s coat drew attention. Despite being built of car parts, the finished artwork had an unexpected grace and looked like beautiful quilted silk. Momolu's design blended refinement with a dash of personality, creating a fascinating charm that left an impression.
Even though it did not win first place, this unique design grabbed the hearts of viewers and became a beloved feature of Project Runway. Momolu used unusual materials in a fashion statement, demonstrating that design can arise from unexpected locations such as automotive debris.
6. Irina Shabayeva's Newspaper Coat
Irina Shabayeva, a Project Runway star, deftly mastered an unusual task by converting newspapers into a strong coat. The finished outfit, which resembled printed cloth, received accolades from judges, including Michael Kors.
Irina's use of crinkled newspapers as collar and arm accents added a compelling texture. This revolutionary design not only exceeded expectations but also received positive parallels to Chanel's classic style.
7. Edmond Newton's Hallmark Card Wedding Dress
Newton displayed his creative talents by intricately designing this gorgeous wedding dress from Project Runway that was made out of Hallmark cards as part of a special competition that the brand sponsored that was on display.
The assignment necessitated drawing inspiration and material from the cards, which produced an astounding blend of imagination and nontraditional design. Needless to say, Newton excelled in this challenge.
For all the past seasons, Project Runway contestants have been extremely inventive. The seven incredible outfits from uncommon challenges demonstrate the designers' ability and how the display pushes fashion limits.