The popular competitive design show, Making the Cut, released two binge-worthy episodes of its brand new season on August 25, 2022, at 7.00 PM ET on Amazon Prime Video. The episode saw the remaining contestants showcase their best designs in a bid to keep themselves safe.
While the looks from some designers didn't wow the judges, Jeanette Limas' dresses were the showstopper for the episode. The judges described her draped looks as "pure divine," and the contestant was crowned the winner of Episode 3. Experts agreed that she had made an impactful comeback from the last episode, where her designs weren't up to the mark.
Other contestants remaining after Episode 3 include Curtis Cassell, Georgia Hardinge, Markantoine Lynch-Boisvert, Rafael Chaouiche, Sienna Li, and Yannik Zamboni. Gabriella Meyer was eliminated from the competition.
Jeanette Limas makes a comeback in Episode 3 of Making the Cut
In the previous episode of Making the Cut, contestants faced the challenge of creating fashionable and accessible activewear looks. Jeanette revealed that her motivation was to have an accessible "sport coat" and was inspired by a dry flower to create her runway look.
Judges Nicole Richie, the creative director of House of Harlow 1960, and Jeremy Scott, the creative director of Moschino, weren't entirely impressed with the look. They revealed that although they understood where Jeanette was coming from, it didn't highlight her best work.
Jeremy said:
"Well I love hearing you talk about it. To be honest with you, I didn't like it. I respect your artistic creative flair, but I just didn't respond personally to your runway piece."
Nicole confessed that although the Making the Cut contestant didn't align well with the activewear challenge, her personality did come out through her designs. At first, Jeanette was at risk of being eliminated, but she tried convincing the judges that she deserved to compete.
Jeanette said:
"I'm sorry to disappoint you. Obviously I have the passion and I have the hard work to be here. But if you guys give me the opportunity to show you what I can do, you guys are not going to regret it."
With Heidi Klum's and the judges' approval, Jeanette was given another chance to showcase her skills in Making the Cut.
In Episode 3, Jeanette proved herself with her accessible, and fashionable winterwear looks. She managed to put her brand theme into her designs and impressed the judges to win the challenge eventually.
The contestant revealed that drapes were a big part of her life when she was young. This was because curtains were the only piece of clothing widely available in her house, as her parents couldn't afford expensive materials. She is known for drapey looks and wowed the experts with her designs on the Making the Cut store on Amazon.
The winner of Making the Cut Season 3 will receive a chance to be mentored by Amazon Fashion, a chance to sell a collection in the Making the Cut store, and $1 million to invest in their business. They will also get to create additional color options and companion pieces for the store.
The first four episodes are currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video and the next two will be released on September 1, 2022.