Ever since the news of Queen Elizabeth's death was shared with the public on September 8, 2022, thousands of well-wishers have left tributes outside Buckingham Palace and other royal estates.
The majority of tributes include flowers, teddy bears, corgi toys, cards, balloons, candles and more.
The Royal Parks are now asking patrons to limit their gifts to flowers and cards. Followers have also been asked to place their tribute in a designated space at the Green Park Floral Tribute Garden and other spots around the nation.
Members of the royal family have also made appearances in different parts of the country to accept tributes in memory of the late monarch.
Floral tributes to Queen Elizabeth will be turned into compost and used in the Royal Parks
Buckingham Palace has designated the Green Park Floral Tribute Garden as the official floral tribute site, and has requested followers to limit their tributes to flowers.
The official website of Royal Parks states:
"Any form of floral tribute is acceptable. In the interests of sustainability, we ask visitors to only lay organic or compostable material."
The website also requests that people remove any plastic wrapping from flowers. It further specified that park authorities will also be placing bins for people to discard such wraps at the tribute spot.
Additionally, supporters have been asked not to bring any other kind of artifacts that may include toys or balloons. Lighted candles will also not be allowed at the tribute site and will be put out by park officials.
Floral tributes will be left in the garden area of Green Park until all ceremonial activities have taken place. They are expected to be removed anywhere between seven to 14 days after Queen Elizabeth's funeral, which is scheduled to take place on Monday, September 19, 2022, at Westminster Abbey.
The Royal Parks website states that park officials will "respectfully" remove all the deteriorated flowers and send them to the Hyde Park nursery for processing and composting. Cards and labels will be separated from the flowers and stored offsite.
The compost will be used for shrubberies and landscaping projects across the Royal Parks.
Flowers offered at non-official tribute sites will be relocated to the designated spots for tribute offerings.
Where else can people place their tributes to Queen Elizabeth II?
While Green Park is the primary location for placing tributes, flowers for Queen Elizabeth can also be placed at the following locations:
1) Windsor Castle: The Long Walk at Cambridge Gate, close to the town center.
The flowers will be taken inside the castle every evening and then placed on the Castle Chapter, St George's Chapel and Cambridge Drive.
2) Sandringham: The Norwich Gate at Sandringham Estate in Norfolk.
3) Belfast: A dedicated area at Hillsborough Castle and in front of the main gates of Castle Forecourt. Cards and notes will be preserved by the government's Northern Ireland Office and forwarded to Buckingham Palace. All toys and other artifacts will be donated to local hospitals in Northern Ireland.
4) Edinburgh: Physic Garden, next to the Abbey Strand gate.
5) Balmoral: Main gate to the Castle
6) Cardiff: Main entrance to Cardiff City Hall.
Local governments can also arrange designated places to offer tributes. People can check out this website for more information on the same.
Followers can pay respect to Queen Elizabeth II by donating to one of the numerous charities associated with the royal family. A full list of the charities can be found at: https://www.royal.uk/charities-and-patronages