Quordle has now completed its six-month anniversary. The game continues to grow in popularity among word enthusiasts. The word game is not very different from its inspiration, Wordle. Both games require the players to guess five-letter words. However, Quordle is more challenging, as players have to guess four words, instead of just one, in nine tries or less. The tiles change colour, depending on the accuracy of the letters as players keep guessing the words.
If a tile changes to green, it means the player has inserted the right letter in the right place. If a tile changes its colour to yellow, it means that the player has inserted a letter that belongs to the word, but has not inserted it in the right place. If a tile’s colour changes to gray, it means that the letter is incorrect and does not belong to the word at all.
As the players keep guessing correctly, the colours on the keypad also change, indicating the usage of a letter in the word. The game was created by Wordle fans, who wanted to take the challenge further. The game has a practise mode for players who feel they want to try more to hone their skills.
Today's game includes three words with repetitive letters and one more difficult word. Continue reading to learn today's solution if you haven't yet guessed all the words.
Answers for Quordle #181 have some challenging words
The first word in today’s Quordle is "Ditty," which means a short and simple song. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines "Ditty" as "an especially simple and unaffected song". The word has Latin origins and dates back to the 14th century. It is used to refer to something that was dictated. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, it also means "a short song or poem intended to be sung to a simple melody." The word can be a bit challenging for those who do not use it in their everyday vocabulary. Also, the repetition of the letter T can create some confusion, as the game does not indicate if the same letter is being repeated twice in a word, and it is entirely up to the reader to guess the word.
The next word in today’s Quordle is "Chute," which means a sloping channel or slide for conveying things to a lower level. The Cambridge dictionary defines a chute as "a narrow, steep slope down which objects or people can slide." Different types of chutes include a water chute, a laundry chute, a garbage chute, or an emergency chute.
The third word in today’s game is "Sieve." It not only contains the repetitive letter E but can also confuse the players with the positions of the consonant V. Merriam Webster dictionary defines a sieve as "a device with meshes or perforations through which finer particles of a mixture (as of ashes, flour, or sand) of various sizes may be passed to separate them from coarser ones. It is a device through which the liquid may be drained from liquid-containing material, or through which soft materials may be forced to reduction to fine particles. "
The last word in today’s game is "Adapt", which according to Cambridge dictionary means "to change your ideas or behaviour to make them suitable for a new situation." The word is relatively simple in comparison to the other words in today's lot. The repetition of the letter A, on the other hand, can prove to be difficult for players.