Popular word-game Quordle has been around for six months and by the looks of its soaring popularity, it appears to be here to stay. The viral word puzzle Wordle was the inspiration for it. In both games, the player must guess five letters. The colours of the tiles in both games change in a similar fashion when the correct letters are inserted in the right boxes. However, Quordle required players to guess four words in nine attempts or less instead of just one word.
The tile colour changes to green when the correct letter is inserted in the right place; it changes to yellow when the letter belongs to the word but is not in the right place; and the tile colour changes to gray when the letter does not belong to the word at all. The game also has a practise mode, in case you don't get it right the first time. Even if players do not get all of the solutions, they are displayed at the end of the game.
Today's game contains some interesting words, including one set of rhyming words. If you are still trying to figure out today’s solution, we are here to help you with hints and answers.
Quordle #183 hints: words are activity-related
Hint 1: The hint for today’s first word is a form of an exercise, which many people find difficult to hold. It requires people to keep their bodies straight and parallel from the floor. It could also mean a long, narrow, flat piece of wood or similar material.
Hint 2: The second word for today’s quordle is a form of dance. It is also kind of a tangy dip made out of tomatoes. The word has a repetition of letters.
Hint 3: The next word in today’s quordle is quality and refers to someone who is open and honest.
Hint 4: The hint for the fourth word in today’s quordle means to create something strong, enduring, or successful. It also means to imitate or to alter.
The solutions for today's game are relatively easy words
If you still couldn't figure out the words for today's game, here are the answers.
The first word is 'Plank.' The Cambridge dictionary defines a plank as a long, narrow, flat piece of wood or similar material, of the type used for making floors. A plank is also a form of exercise in which you hold your body straight and parallel to the floor while resting on your toes and hands or elbows.
The next word in today’s game is 'Salsa.' It is a type of Latin American dance music incorporating elements of jazz and rock. Salsa is also a spicy sauce made from tomatoes, onions, and chillies.
The next word in today’s game is 'Frank', which refers to someone being honest or straightforward. Merriam Webster defines frank as someone who is marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression.
The last word in today’s game is 'Forge', which means to make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive. Per Cambridge Dictionary, it also refers to a working area with a fire for heating metal until it is soft enough to be beaten into different shapes.