Popular word-game Quordle has been around for over six months now, and the word game has gained considerable popularity, attracting new players everyday. The game was designed by Wordle fans to make the word game more challenging. Unlike Wordle, players in Quordle have to guess four words in nine attempts or less. However, the rest of the methods for playing the game remain the same.
Players have to guess a five letter word by entering the letters in the grid. If players enter the correct letter in the correct grid, the tile color changes to green. If a tile color changes to yellow, it means that the letter belongs to the word but has not been entered in the right place. If a player enters a wrong letter, then the tile color changes to gray. This way, players can ensure that they do not enter the same letter in the next attempt or eliminate it as it will not fit in the word.
Once the players have exhausted all attempts, the word game will display the correct answers at the end. It is unlikely that players will get all the words if they are making the switch from Wordle. However, the game offers a "Practice" mode, which will allow players to sharpen their skills.
Quordle #190 hints: Today's game has three words ending with T and a palindrome
Hint 1: This is not a common word, and hence, players can find it challenging to guess. It starts with an R, and means to repair or replace.
Hint 2: The word means to feel dizzy or weak. It also means something which is indistinct or vague.
Hint 3: This word is not very difficult to guess, as Quordle recently gave a word that has O, V, and R. The word refers to something which is done or shown openly. Both words end with T.
Hint 4: The word is an example of a palindrome, meaning it will spell the same forwards and backwards. It refers to a canoe or a narrow boat.
Quordle #190 answers
If you have not guessed all the words by now, you can take a look at the solutions, which are as follows:
The first word in today’s game is 'Refit,' which means to fit out or supply again. Merrian Webster also defines it as obtaining repairs or fresh supplies or equipment. The word is not used commonly, and can be a little hard to guess.
The next word in today’s quordle is 'Faint,' which is used to indicate when someone has fallen unconscious. Cambridge dictionary describes it as "to feel weak," as if you are about to become unconscious. It also means something which is not strong or clear, or something which is slight.
The next word in today’s quordle is 'Overt', which means something which is not inconspicuous. Collins dictionary defines something that is overt as something which is not hidden, but open, observable, apparent, and manifest. It also describes 'overt' as something which is done openly and publicly, without any attempt at concealment and with evident intent.
The last word in today’s game is 'Kayak,' which means a small boat or a canoe. The word is a palindrome, which means it is spelt the same both ways. It can be a bit challenging to guess as the two letters K and A are being repeated here.