Quordle, the word-game which attracts new users every day, has been around for over seven months. The game was originally inspired by Wordle and was designed to be more challenging. Quordle requires players to guess four words in nine attempts or less. Both word games are essentially the same in principle.
The game presents its players with grids in which players are supposed to enter letters. Depending on the accuracy of the letters entered, the tiles change colors. The tile color changes to green if the player enters the correct letters. If the letters entered by the player are accurate but the placement of the letters are wrong, the tile color changes to yellow.
The tile color changes to gray in case the letter entered by the player is not accurate. Players should avoid using the letters in gray tiles during future attempts as these letters will not belong to any word in that particular game.
Quordle offers a practice mode to players which will help them get better at the game without having to wait for 24 hours for the next game. Some tips can be kept in mind while guessing the five-letter words in the game. The game could give words ending with a Y. More often than not, the game gives double-lettered words. These letters can be adjectives or non-adjectives.
The game will also give words in various forms of their tenses. The simple-present form of words will end with ING while the simple past will end with ED. The words can also end with a vowel. More often than not, the words in the game will have a vowel.
Quordle #236 hints: Today’s game has one word ending with a Y and three ending with vowels
Hint 1: This word has the letter E being repeated in the second and the fifth places. The word refers to performing duties or services for another person or an organization.
Hint 2: This word has the letter L being repeated in the third and fourth positions. It ends with a Y but is not an adjective. It refers to a young female horse, especially one less than four years old.
Hint 3: This word ends with an E and is the opposite of open. It is the only word with no repetitive letters in today’s game.
Hint 4: This word starts with ends with an A. It refers to a distinctive and typically pleasant smell.
Quordle #236 answers
The first word in today’s game is Serve. Cambridge Dictionary describes Serve as to help achieve something, or to be useful as something.
The second word in today’s game is Filly. Filly is a young female horse, usually of less than four years of age.
The third word in today’s game is Close. The word refers to a short distance or something which is near to someone or something. It also means to bring something to an end.
The last word in today’s game is Aroma. It refers to a strong, pleasant smell, usually from food or drink.