TikTok account blackfacehypehouse has been deleted after being accused of creating racist content. In the account's videos, a college student with their face covered in black paint could be seen lip-syncing to songs created by black musicians. Several offensive skits could be viewed on the profile, which caught the attention of many netizens.
Since blackfacehypehouse went viral online, internet sleuths have identified one of the students as Manchester-based content creator Dillon Miller. The account had amassed over 600 followers at the time of writing this article.
Though many internet users criticized the student for creating offensive content, they continued to do so prior to the account's deletion.
Who is blackfacehypehouse’s Dillon Miller?
According to his profile, Miller belongs to Hopwood Hall College. The 17-year-old student blew up online for the wrong reasons. His account was also being mass reported by several TikTok users.
Many netizens pointed fingers at the college for not taking action against him for uploading content of such nature online.
Though blackfacehypehouse had a small following on TikTok, the videos garnered thousands of views and have been shared on other social media platforms as well.
Reacting to the account's content, many enraged internet users took to social media expressing their frustration. Some comments under a Def Noodles Instagram post about the account read:
“not only is it extremely racist but isn’t black face just like a big hassle too? Like this dude went all out the paint even goes up on his eyelids and I can only imagine how hard it’d be to wash off. Imagine doing all that work just so you can be racist on tik tok”

Along with Dillon Miller being identified online, other users who are also uploading content under the same TikTok profile have been caught as well. Kester Williams who attends Warrington & Vale Royal College and a 16-year-old British student whose name is Layla Fleck have been identified online.