Lifetime's new thriller film, Road Trip Hostage, is all set to premiere on Saturday, April 29, 2023. The movie follows a young student who leaves home after an intense argument with her mother. However, her life takes a frightening turn as she's taken hostage by a notorious criminal. Check out Lifetime's official synopsis:
''When pursuing her dreams leads to a fractured relationship with her mother, a young student angrily leaves home, but soon finds herself the hostage of a deranged criminal who forces her to drive him across the country. Inspired by actual events.''
The film stars Veronica Ramirez in the lead role, along with various others essaying crucial supporting characters. The movie is directed by Kaila York and written by John F. Hayes.
Lifetime's Road Trip Hostage cast list: Veronica Ramirez and others to star in new thriller flick
1) Veronica Ramirez as Emma
Actress Veronica Ramirez portrays the lead role of Emma in Lifetime's Road Trip Hostage. Emma is a young woman who often gets into arguments with her mother regarding the choices she makes in her life. One day, things get out of hand and she leaves her home.
However, she soon gets kidnapped by a criminal, and the rest of the film depicts how she tackles the dangerous situation. Emma is the protagonist of the film and it'll be interesting to see how her character evolves throughout the movie. Details regarding actress Ramirez's other works are not available.
2) Luke Charles Stafford as Rick Frye
Luke Charles Stafford plays the role of Rick Frye in the new Lifetime thriller film. Based on the synopsis, it seems like Rick Frye is the criminal who takes Emma hostage and asks her to drive him across the country.
The rest of the film depicts how things pan out as Emma tries to tackle numerous dangers arising from the situation. It'll also be fascinating to watch how the film would explore Rick and Emma's equation. Luke Charles Stafford has previously starred in East of Middle West, wherein he portrayed the character of Tom Hawkins.
3) Chala Savino as Hillary Moreno
Chala Savino stars as Hillary Moreno in Road Trip Hostage. Apart from that, more details about her character are currently being kept under tight wraps, but viewers can expect her to play a significant role in the story.
Chala Savino's other notable acting credits include A Miracle Before Christmas, Make America Great?, Honey Boy, and many more.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the film also features many others playing significant supporting characters. These include:
- Nicole Andrews as Linda Frye
- Circus-Szalewski as Charles Frye
- Harvey B. Jackson as Police Officer Ford
- Rachel Turner as Katy
- Christopher Sky as Detective Graves
- Lisa Long as Motel Clark
- Gabriella Biziou as Detective Ramirez
An official trailer for Road Trip Hostage has not yet been released by Lifetime, but based on the synopsis shared by the network, viewers can look forward to a thoroughly engaging and entertaining drama that explores several complicated themes like family and love as well as the dark side of human nature, among many others.
Don't forget to watch Road Trip Hostage on Lifetime on Saturday, April 29, 2023, at 8 pm ET.