Romance to the Rescue is the latest Hallmark original romance scheduled to drop on the Hallmark channel soon this May. The story follows Kyra, a goal-oriented woman who is successful in both her personal and professional life. Sparks fly when she meets Trevor, who is the new manager at the grocery store where Kyra works. Trevor is everything Kyra appears to be seeking for, so when her coworker and buddy Mark informs Trevor, a dog lover, that Kyra has an agility trained dog, she plays along. But to her horror, Trevor wants to see Kyra enter her dog in the upcoming agility contest sponsored by the store and Kyra, who doesn't actually have a dog, is faced with a crisis.
Kyra now adopts a dog from a local shelter and convinces Kevin, the head of the shelter, to help her train him. Kevin accepts, and the two begin spending more time together, which leads to the two falling in love. But when Kevin discovers why Kyra adopted the dog, he is disheartened, and their budding romance faces a new challenge.
The cast of Romance to the Rescue
Romance to the Rescue boasts an amazing cast. Starting with Andrea Brooks, from When Calls the Heart, to Marcus Rosner from Valentine in the Vineyard, the Hallmark romance is packed with a wonderful cast.
Andrea Brooks as Kyra
Andrea Brooks is a Canadian actress who has appeared in a number of Hallmark features like When Calls the Heart and Jingle Around the Clock. She is known for her quirky portrayal of Eve Tessmacher on The CW’s Supergirl, as well as in other television movies like The Wedding Fix and Fishing for Love. She has also appeared in a number of guest starring roles on hit shows like Bates Motel, Once Upon a Time, UnREAL and The Flash. Brooks plays the leading role, Kyra, in the upcoming Hallmark romance.
Marcus Rosner as Kevin
Marcus Rosner is also a Canadian actor. He started his acting career in 2012, and established his name with a number of notable roles, including guest starring roles in series like UnREAL, Arrow, Supernatural and Once Upon a Time. Rosner's most recent feature was in the television movie A Vineyard Romance. He plays Kevin, the shelter owner and trainer in Romance to the Rescue. Some of his other Hallmark credits include Christmas in Evergreen, Yes, I Do and Valentine in the Vineyard.
Nathan Witte as Trevor
Nathan Witte began his acting career from a very young age. Throughout the years, Witte has appeared on a number of hit television series including Superman & Lois, Supernatural, Arrow, Rogue, Van Helsing and A Million Little Things. He has also appeared in a number of Hallmark features like A Christmas Miracle, A Christmas Treasure and My Best Friend’s Bouquet.
Other cast members in Romance to the Rescue include:
- Melanie Rees - Diane.
- Ashley Ross -Lara.
- Benjamin Charles Watson -Mark.
- Lucie Guest -Heather.
- Sarah Surh - The Vet.
- Kamantha Naidoo - Dog Trainer
Catch Hallmark's original romance, Romance to the Rescue, premiering on May 21, 2022.