GAF's new romantic drama film, titled Romance at the Vineyard, is all set to air on the channel on Saturday, August 5, 2023. The movie tells the story of a young woman whose family vineyard's existence is in trouble, but she doesn't want to sell of the property.
She then teams up with a charming young man in order to avoid selling it off, but there's an interesting secret behind the man she's joined hands with in her venture. Here's the official synopsis of the movie, according to Great American Family:
''When it looks as though Allee’s family vineyard, Merado, is at stake, she is forced to pair with a new friend in an effort to avoid selling the property. What she doesn’t know is that her newfound partner works for the corporate wine chain aiming to buy the property.''
Romance at the Vineyard stars Susie Abromeit in one of the lead roles, along with various others playing crucial supporting characters. The movie is directed by Colin Budds and written by Ansley Gordon.
Romance at the Vineyard cast list: Susie Abromeit and others to feature in new romantic drama film
1) Susie Abromeit as Allee Balzerini
Susie Abromeit essays the lead role of Allee Balzerini in GAF's Romance at the Vineyard. Alle is a young woman who loves her family vineyard that she fears she may need to sell off. In order to avoid doing so, she teams up with a handsome young man, which changes her life forever.
Allee Balzerini is the protagonist of the movie, and the story is told from her point of view. Viewers can expect a charming performance from Susie Abromeit. Her other notable film and TV acting credits include Love in Bloom, Much Ado About Christmas, and Marvel's Jessica Jones, to name a few.
2) Tim Ross as Ethan Blake
Tim Ross portrays the character of Ethan Blake in the new GAF romantic drama film. Ethan is Allee's new partner with whom she teams up in order to prevent her family vineyard from being sold off. Based on the trailer of the film, it seems like the two would ultimately get involved in a romantic relationship.
It'll also be interesting to see how Ethan's character would be explored in the movie. Viewers might recognize Tim Ross from The Reef: Stalked, Harrow, Romance on the Menu, and Wonderland, among many more.
3) Cameron Robbie as Nick Balzerini
Actor Cameron Robbie, brother of Margot Robbie, essays the role of Nick Balzerini in Romance at the Vineyard. Apart from that, more details about his character are currently being kept under tight wraps, but viewers can expect him to play a significant role in the movie. Cameron Robbie is known for his appearances in Gifted and Mark Targets.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the movie also features numerous other actors playing pivotal supporting characters. These include:
- Candice Hill as Catherine Hayes
- Bianca Zouppas as Lily
- Mia Grunwald as Sandra
- Matt Domingo as Ben Danson
- Marita Wilcox as Gianna Balzerini
- Jean-Pierre Yerma as Franco Balzerini
Don't forget to catch Romance at the Vineyard on Great American Family on Saturday, August 5, 2023.