Netflix's new Norwegian drama film, Royalteen: Princess Margrethe, is expected to hit the streaming platform on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 3 am ET (tentative time). The movie centers around the titular Norwegian princess who struggles to deal with family drama and balance her personal life following a dramatic end to the previous year's prom.
The film stars Ellie Müller Osborne in the lead role, along with various others essaying pivotal supporting characters. The movie is helmed by noted filmmaker Ingvild Søderlind, with Randi Fuglehaug, Anne Gunn Halvorsen, and Marta Huglen Revheim serving as the writers.
Netflix's Royalteen: Princess Margrethe trailer offers a peek into a troubled young mind
Netflix released the official trailer for Royalteen: Princess Margrethe on April 18, 2023, and it offers a peek into the various dramatic events set to unfold in the new flick. The trailer opens with the titular character putting on her lipstick and contemplating taking some medicines.
She then goes on to meet her friends at a bar. Overall, the trailer maintains a warm but dramatic note that fans of teen/family dramas would certainly love. Along with the trailer, Netflix also put out the official description of the movie on their YouTube channel, which reads:
"After the dramatic end to last year's ball, challenges await the Norwegian princess. When family drama piles up for the royal family, Margrethe must find her own voice - not only as a princess, but also as a young woman looking for love."
Based on the official trailer and synopsis, viewers can look forward to a compelling character-driven drama. It seems like a series that delves deep into the mind of a complicated girl who tries her best to keep up with what's happening around her whilst longing for some semblance of normalcy. The movie is based on Randi Fuglehaug and Anne Gunn Halvorsen's book, Royalteen Prince Charming. The upcoming film is the sequel to Royalteen.
A quick look at the plot and cast of Royalteen: Princess Margrethe
The film stars noted Norwegian star Ellie Rhiannon Müller Osborne in the lead role as Princess Margrethe. She looks wonderful in the film's short trailer, perfectly capturing her character's conflicted emotions, confusion, angst, and sadness with ease.
Viewers can expect her to deliver a nuanced and mature performance in the movie. Apart from Royalteen: Princess Margrethe, she's known for her appearances in numerous other films and TV shows like Ida Takes Charge, Viking Wolf, Royalteen, and many more.
Starring alongside her in another significant role is actress Ines Høysæter Asserson, who portrays the character of Lena. Apart from that, not many other details pertaining to her role are revealed at this point, but fans can expect her to play a pivotal role in the storyline. Asserson's other notable film and TV acting credits include Heirs of the Night, Sofia, Last Summer, Alle andre, and Bare Feet, to name a few.
Other important supporting cast members include actors like Mathias Storhøi as Prince Kalle, Julie Agnete Vang as Queen Louise of Denmark, Ina Dajanna Ervik as Tess, Niels Halstensen Skåber as Gunnar, and many more.
Don't forget to catch the new young adult drama film, Royalteen: Princess Margrethe, on Netflix on Thursday, May 11, 2023.