The actor and K-Pop idol Kim Yo Han has been confirmed to have tested positive for Covid-19. The idol's agency released a statement in which they revealed that the K-drama School 2021 (which was expected to premiere on November 17) has now been postponed.
WEi member Kim Yo Han plays one of the lead roles in School 2021.
Statement from Kim Yo Han's agency about the actor-idol and other members
The statement from OUI Entertainment read,
"Our artist WEi’s Kim Yo Han has tested positive for COVID-19 on November 14. On November 13, Kim Yo Han underwent a PCR test after a supporting actor he crossed paths with while filming KBS 2TV’s drama School 2021 tested positive for COVID-19, and he was diagnosed as asymptomatic and positive on the morning of November 14."
They added that his schedule and that of the other WEi members will now be changed,
"His scheduled broadcasts and other activities are currently being rearranged, and he is taking the necessary measures according to the instructions of health authorities. Our artists WEi’s Jang Dae Hyun, Kim Yo Han, Kang Seok Hwa, and Kim Jun Seo have been completely vaccinated with a second dose, and a week has passed since Yoo Yong Ha’s second dose. Kim Dong Han received his first dose."
The agency also revealed details about staff members who came in contact with Kim Yo Han and said, "All members of WEi and related staff are classified as close contacts. We are currently awaiting our results after undergoing PCR tests, and we will actively cooperate with the instructions and measures of the health authorities."
The agency then added, "Therefore, we inform you that all of WEi’s scheduled activities during the duration of the self-quarantine period will be canceled or postponed, and we ask fans and related personnel for their kind understanding. We will announce the results of WEi’s tests as soon as possible through a notice."
'School 2021' has new air date after Kim Yo Han tests positive for Covid-19
A statement from the production team of KBS2's School 2021 announced that the show will be postponed by a week due to Kim Yo Han being Covid-19 positive.
The statement read, "A supporting actor from KBS 2TV’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama School 2021 tested positive for COVID-19 on November 13. All members of the staff and cast immediately underwent a COVID-19 test, and actor Kim Yo Han tested positive. The other staff and cast all tested negative."
Speaking of Kim Yo Han, they said,
"Actor Kim Yo Han is currently asymptomatic. It had been over two weeks since both the supporting actor and actor Kim Yo Han received their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and there was no close contact between the two people."
Speaking of the delayed release, they said, "We will keep a constant eye on the situation as we move forward so that there are no further issues. The premiere date has been delayed by a week to November 24, and the press conference will also be pushed back by a week."
They concluded, "We will do our utmost to prevent any other positive cases by ensuring the safety of the cast and staff through preventative measures. We apologize for causing you concern."