The documentary film, Scouts Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America, will be released on Netflix on September 6, 2023. The film explores the Boy Scouts of America's (BSA) decades-long cover-up of child abuse cases and its heartbreaking impact on the lives of the victims and others involved in the scandals.
The film will definitely pique viewers' interest because it promises to be a compelling account of survivors, informants, and experts, who will all be seen discussing how the Boy Scouts of America covered up s*xual abuse cases and its tragic after-effects that lasted for years. Here are some of the additional information and details for Scout's Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America.
What is Scouts Honor: The Secret Files about?
Scouts Honor focuses on the Ineligible Volunteer Files, which the BSA alternately referred to over the years as the Perversion Files and the Confidential Files. These files documented allegations of s*xual abuse by scout leaders against young boys.
The files were first publicized by journalist Patrick Boyle, who read about these assault accusations against Scout leaders and the evidence that was submitted as part of a certain case. What he discovered in those original 231 files was a huge collection of material dating back to the BSA's inception in England, around 1908.
Scouts Honor reveals how the BSA worked to hide these allegations from the public, the media, and the law enforcement. The BSA even went so far as to create a Red Flag List of known abusers, which they kept secret from everyone except for a few top officials.
The documentary film also has interviews with survivors of abuse from scout leaders. These survivors share their stories of trauma and pain, calling for the BSA to be held accountable for its actions.
The film is directed by Brian Knappenberger, who is known for his work on documentaries like The Internet's Own Boy and We Are Legion. It is produced by Participant Media, which has produced other films about social justice, such as An Inconvenient Truth and The Look of Silence. The film is executive produced by Diane Becker, Nan Goldin, and Amy Ziering.
The future of the BSA
Scouts Honor ends with a look at the future of the BSA. The BSA has filed for bankruptcy, and it is currently in the process of being restructured. The film asks whether the BSA can be reformed, or whether it should be dissolved altogether.
The film is sure to be a powerful and disturbing look at the dark side of the Boy Scouts of America.
Some questions to consider after watching the film include how the BSA could have allowed this to happen for so long, and what can be done to prevent this from happening again. It brings to light the role that parents and other adults play in protecting children from abuse, and what can be done to hold institutions accountable for their actions.