A first look at Scrooge: A Christmas Carol, yet another animated adaptation of the classic Dickensian holiday story, has finally been released by Netflix. The latest adaptation comes from director Stephen Donnelly. This is Donnelly's second ever direction. His first was 2016's Monster High: Welcome to Monster High.
Written by Charles Dickens in 1843, A Christmas Carol has become the subject of numerous adaptations throughout the 20th century. It has been adapted to feature films, public readings and radio adaptations. Today, there are over 135 versions of the story.
The upcoming version will be voiced by some popular names in the industry, most notably Olivia Colman. While the feature will remain true to the original story, it is expected to delight viewers with a musical twist to the tale.
Read on to find out more about the holiday film.
Who has been cast in Scrooge: A Christmas Carol?
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol boasts an impressive cast list. It has been reported that Olivia Colman, Luke Evans and Jessie Buckley will be leading the Netflix animated adaptation.
While Luke Evans will voice the protagonist Scrooge, Colman and Buckley will be voicing The Ghost of Christmas Past and Isabel Fezziwig respectively. Jonathan Pryce has also joined the cast and is expected to voice Jacob Marley, while Johnny Flynn will voice Bob Cratchit.
Will there be major changes to the original plot?
Staying true to the original story, the Netflix adaptation will be centered around Ebenezer Scrooge, the grumpy man learns a thing or two about life when he is visited by different versions of himself on Christmas Eve.
The twist here is, Scrooge: A Christmas Carol will be a musical. It will feature songs by Leslie Bricusse, the late Grammy winner and two-time Academy Award winner who composed songs for classics like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Superman.
Speaking about his upcoming feature, Director Donnelly commented:
“It’s been a fascinating challenge to adapt such a beloved and often-told story. I think this version will give those who know ‘A Christmas Carol’ all the things they expect, but not as they’ve experienced them before.
Dropping a few hints about the holiday movie, he has said,
"There are more than enough psychedelic, time-travelling and musical surprises to keep those familiar with the story on the edge of their seats, while the authentic essence of Dickens has been retained for those coming completely fresh to the classic tale. I can’t wait to share this new version of ‘A Christmas Carol’ with the world and sincerely hope audiences embrace it this year and for many to come.”
When can we expect the adaptation to release?
Netflix is yet to announce an official release date for the movie. But being a holiday film, viewers can expect that Scrooge: A Christmas Carol will air on Netflix sometime in December, during the holiday season.
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol was one of the many animated adaptations that was unveiled during a mega European Netflix animation slate at the Annecy International Film Festival last month. Other features from the list includes an adaptation of Richard Curtis’ That Christmas and Ember, coming from Klaus director and writer Sergio Pablos.
Watch this space for more updates on Charles Dickens' novella adaptation.