Seasons, a heartwarming romantic comedy made its debut on Netflix in 2023. The Filipino production, directed by Easy Ferrer beautifully showcases the notion that love and friendship frequently intersect in unpredictable ways. Through a poignant exploration of human relationships, the film delves into the delicate boundaries that often blur between companionship and romantic affection.
Seasons comprises a talented cast that includes Lovi Poe who played the role of Charlie, and Carlo Aquino who took up the role as one of the main characters, Kurt. Poe and Aquino were joined by Sarah Edwards. The trio not only added depth to the narrative but also brought a blend of humor and sincerity to the film.
Seasons ending explained: A captivating tale of unfurling shades of love and friendship
Charlie and Kurt, who have been close friends for a considerable period of time, reach a critical point in their relationship. In the film, Charlie, brilliantly portrayed by Lovi Poe, emerges as an exuberant character overflowing with vitality, particularly whenever she is in Kurt's presence.
However, when Kurt becomes involved with another woman named Jane, Charlie's disposition alters dramatically, she transforms into a faded flower longing for both warmth and nourishment. This noticeable change in Charlie's behavior serves as unequivocal evidence of her hidden emotions towards Kurt.
As the story unfolds. Kurt, portrayed by Carlo Aquino becomes increasingly involved with Jane. As a result, he is not as attentive to Charlie as he once was. This lack of attention from Kurt prompts Charlie to recognize her longing for his company and the possibility that he may hold deeper feelings for her than just friendship.
Charlie, in an effort to catch Kurt's attention, makes the impulsive decision to surprise him with a home-cooked dinner at his apartment. Unfortunately, her plan takes a turn for the worse when Kurt unexpectedly returns home with Jane. Overwhelmed by her desperate desire to salvage their connection, Charlie fabricates a heartbreaking lie about being pregnant.
Unbeknownst to her, this lie sets off a chain of events that further entangle the complexities of their relationship. Eventually, the movie reaches its pinnacle when Charlie and Kurt share an intimate kiss under the starry sky while stargazing. However, this tender moment ultimately leads them down a path where they end up sleeping together.
The morning after exposes Charlie's truth as she feels compelled to confess her deceitful actions to Kurt. In response to this revelation, Kurt experiences feelings of betrayal and chooses to sever all ties and communication with Charlie. The movie received its culmination when the separated friends met after three years when Kurt reveals his plans about tying the knot with someone else.
Her resistance to not confide in him about her feelings and maintaining the friendship made the ending more gloomy. She even sang at Kurt's wedding with a whirlwind of emotions driving inside her watching her beloved getting married to someone else. In the end, however, the cheerful duo Charlie and Kurt surpass their past traumas and move on with their friendship.
Did Charlie and Kurt's platonic friendship spark a hint for a sequel?
Ever since Seasons ended in a sorrowful and dejected tone, there have been theories and speculations about the sequel for the rom-com movie. Will Charlie ever open her heart to someone else in the future after Kurt? What future lies ahead of the friendship between Charlie and Kurt? What happens to Jane in the story will she come back for revenge on Kurt?
These possible questions and theories amount to enough for a sequel but as of now there is no official statement if the sequel would come out anytime soon. Seasons currently stands at its completion.
Seasons is currently streaming on Netflix.