Having premiered on July 7, 2023, Seasons is an emotionally gripping Filipino film that artfully delves into the depths of love, friendship, and the complex realm of human emotions. This captivating movie beautifully tells the tale of two inseparable companions who, despite encountering disappointment in their past romantic experiences, boldly break free from their comfort zones to embark on a courageous quest to find true love again.
Seasons is a profound portrayal of the ever-changing nature of human emotions. Through an engaging narrative and resonating dialogues, it beautifully encapsulates the intricacies of modern relationships. Following the characters through their experiences of love and heartbreak, the riveting movie keeps viewers immersed in the journey of finding everlasting love amidst adversity.
A review of Seasons: A thought-provoking tale of discovering love disguised as friendship
The film sets the journey of two best friends Charlie and Kurt who, after going through multiple unsuccessful romantic experiences together, decide to hit the road and actively look for love again. The dialogues served as a mandatory part of the narration that nurtured a strong hint about modern relationships in general. As Charlie reflected upon her past, she says:
“You know who my favorite was? The first guy. Jonas. He was one of my favorites too. He was my first in a lot of things. The first time I ever held hands. And our second summer together, my first kiss."
In addition to offering an insight into the past relationships of the character, this reflection also sets up the mood that's required for the film's narrative. Seasons successfully strays away from the common clichés that are found in romantic comedies by delivering a refreshing take on the genre that breaks away from the usual formula.
With an inevitable charm, this film offers a unique experience that resonates with individuals who appreciate the emotional depth and the beauty of genuine kindness. Rest assured, this well-crafted production will not disappoint, as it exhibits excellent taste and showcases two endearing leads, who effortlessly captivate viewers' hearts right from the start.
Despite offering an innovative perspective on romantic comedies, Seasons has its share of shortcomings. While striving to break free from typical tropes in this genre, there are points where the film inevitably succumbs to predictable tendencies. Although it's absorbing in general, introducing more audacious and unconventional storytelling techniques would have further bolstered the film's impact on the audience.
The conflict in the film, which plays a crucial role in advancing the storyline, appears to be somewhat contrived and lacks the level of intricacy that could have added depth to the narrative. Furthermore, the resolution of this conflict seems to follow a predictable trajectory, missing an opportunity to go for a more intellectually stimulating or unconventional ending.
The platonic relationship is beautifully depicted by Lovi Poe and Carlo Aquino
The heartthrob visuals through stellar performances by Lovi Poe, Carlo Aquino, and Sarah Edwards have certainly raised the bar in this rom-com movie. Lovi Poe, who portrays Charlie in the film, left an indelible mark on viewers with her nuanced depiction of a chaotic yet beautiful friendship. The film resonated well with her character, showcasing a deep longing for finding one's soulmate.
Furthermore, the character Kurt, portrayed by Carlo Aquino, is gracefully laced with the emotional turmoil of a man who grapples with his own thoughts, yet carries a heart to find everlasting love. Aquino not only added depth to the character, but gave viewers a subtle essence of his personality as well. To top it all off, Sarah Edwards added a perfect spice of humor and authenticity to the film with a supporting role in the duo's life, bringing a unique perspective to the movie.
Seasons is currently streaming on Netflix.