Marvel's latest superhero spy-thriller miniseries, Secret Invasion, returned with a brand new episode on Wednesday, July 19, exclusively on Disney+. Episode 5, titled Harvest, was written by Brian Tucker and Michael Bhim, while Ali Selim served as the director. The Disney+ series' cast list includes Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Kingsley Ben-Adir as Gravik, Ben Mendelsohn as Talos and Emilia Clarke as G'iah, among others.
Followers of Secret Invasion have been quite eager to learn how the ending of the 5th episode turned out, especially after the limited series' episode 4, titled Beloved, ended on an intriguing note with Talos getting fatally wounded after being brutally stabbed by Gravik in front of Fury and dying afterwards. At the very end of the previous episode, Fury was seen escaping with a highly injured Ritson.
Episode 5 saw a series of unexpected and arresting events, including Gravik killing Beto and Fury confronting Raava or Rhodes.
The ending of Disney+'s Secret Invasion episode 5 showcased an emotional Skrull funeral and the preparation for the final showdown
What was the offer Gravik gave to Fury?
Towards the end of the 5th episode of Secret Invasion, an emotionally heavy and moving funeral for Talos took place. The Skrull funeral was organized by Fury's wife Priscilla and Talos' daughter G'iah. However, the emotional moment soon turned into something quite dangerous as Gravik's men attacked Priscilla and G'iah.
Despite the powerful attack, the duo were able to defend themselves. Meanwhile, Rhodes displayed the location of the New Skrullos base to the President and asked him to destroy it with the support of NATO. It would mean an attack on Russia, leading to World War III.
Gravik then went on to inform Nick Fury about this upcoming attack plan and offered him a deal to prevent the whole situation. As per the offer, Fury would have to bring him the "Harvest" and then he would call off the attack on Russian soil, thus preventing the chances of World War III.
What was the "Harvest"?
At the end of Secret Invasion episode 5, Fury landed in Finland, where he went on to meet Sonya Falsworth. While driving to the border of Russia, the latter asked Fury about the "Harvest" and that was where he finally revealed what it was all about and why Gravik wanted it so badly.
As disclosed by Fury, during the series of incidents in Avengers: Endgame, almost every Avenger, including others, spilled their own blood. Thus, when the war was over, Gravik and his Skrull team were given the order to collect that DNA by none other than Fury himself. This collection of DNA was the "Harvest", that Gravik wanted. From there, Gravik began to create Super Skrulls. Thus, Fury is highly responsible for what was going on in the world.
At the very end, Fury and Sonya were seen arriving at a graveyard, where Fury showed her a fake grave of himself. There, the "Harvest' was hidden. After retrieving it, the duo entered a place near the graveyard, where Fury started to dress up in his iconic suit and eye patch for the epic war ahead of them.
Don't forget to watch episode 5 of Secret Invasion, currently streaming on Disney+.