Secrets & Sisterhood: The Sozahdahs, Hulu’s upcoming unscripted show follows the lives of 10 Muslim American women as they navigate through their personal lives. The Sozahdohs family is originally from Afghanistan. Their parents escaped as refugees in the early 1980s, which resulted in a very conservative upbringing for the sisters.
While some of the cast members were born in America, others were born in Afghanistan and all of them together, refer to themselves as the “wolf pack.”
Hulu’s press release states:
"Raw, real and rife with shocking revelations, this new unscripted series follows 10 Muslim American sisters whose faith and bonds are put to the ultimate test while trying to navigate cultural expectations, their careers, and love in Los Angeles."
Tune in on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 on Hulu to watch the season premiere of Secrets & Sisterhood: The Sozahdahs.
Secrets & Sisterhood: The Sozahdahs features 10 Muslim- American sisters
Hulu’s upcoming show will air on June 7, 2023, and will contain 10 episodes as the sisters navigate through life, love, and more in Los Angeles. The upbringing of some of the older sisters is quite in sync with the conventional thought process, others, who were born in the United States are more liberal in a sense.
The sisters clearly love one other but the trailer also shows that life with sisters is not always smooth sailing. During the show, the sister drama will reveal dark secrets which leads to one sister believing that she may be shunned by the Secrets & Sisterhood: The Sozahdahs family once they find out.
In the trailer, one of the sisters said:
"Religion is important to me. And some of the things that they do, frankly I don’t agree with."
Meet the cast of Secrets & Sisterhood: The Sozahdahs
The oldest Secrets & Sisterhood: The Sozahdahs cast member, Shaista has been in the restaurant for more than 20 years and is an expert in Afghani and Pakistani cuisine. She is considered to be the second mother to the sisters and the backbone and guardian of the family.
The extrovert, Halimah loves to meet new people and is a county ombudsman. She ensures that people of the Muslim community feel heard and legally protected.
The Secrets & Sisterhood: The Sozahdahs' bio reads:
"Along with her political work, Halimah volunteers her time to aid numerous education programs."
The ensemble member is one of the sisters whose "faith and traditional values guide her." She is also extremely protective of her sisters.
The sister has a master's degree in business administration. She is passionate about helping the poor.
The cast member works in the entertainment industry and was responsible for creating a docuseries that showcased her family’s experiences. Her bio continues:
"Shakur also enjoys flipping and building houses, multi-family apartment complexes and commercial buildings."
Muzlefa, Jamila, Siddqua, Nooreya, and Hamida are the other sisters featured in the show.
Tune in on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 on Hulu to watch the season premiere of Secrets & Sisterhood: The Sozahdahs.