Popular reality competition series American Idol season 21 aired a brand new episode on Sunday, April 16, 2023, at 8 pm ET on ABC. It featured selected contestants from the Showstoppers round performing in the Top 26 round of the competition at Disney's Aulani Resort and Spa in Hawaii. They hoped to impress the judges and the live audience and earn enough votes from America.
On this week's episode of American Idol, PJAE took to the stage and delivered an impressive performance in front of the judges and the live audience at Disney's Aulani resort. Fans back at home, however, were left unimpressed. One tweeted:
The hit ABC series has been extremely popular amongst the audience. Season 21 of the competition saw contestants perform in front of the iconic judge trio - pop princess Katy Perry, country superstar Luke Bryan, and Oscar-winning singer/songwriter Lionel Richie.
While some managed to impress, others headed home, failing to make their mark. Viewers have already picked their favorites and are rooting for them to win.
PJAE performs at Disney's Aulani on American Idol
Tonight's episode of American Idol saw the Top 26 contestants getting ready for their performance at Disney's Aulani Resort. They were accompanied by a live band and had to perform in front of a large live audience. While some participants managed to be successful, others failed to make their mark.
The official synopsis of the episode, titled Disney's Aulani Resort in Hawaii #1, read:
"America’s favorite singing competition returns to Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa in Ko Olina, Hawaii. Soul and R&B singer-songwriter Allen Stone mentors Idol hopefuls vying for America’s first open vote of the season."
PJAE took to the stage in hopes of delivering one of his best performances. He was greeted with a lot of applause from the live audience. The singer provided his unique interpretation of Golden by Jill Scott.
The American Idol contestant also vibed with his rendition by showcasing a few dance moves. The live audience and guest mentor Allen Stone were impressed with PJAE's rendition and sang alongside him.
The judges carefully observed the contestant's performance but felt no pressure whatsoever to make a decision. This time, the decision was up to the audience back home, who had to vote for PJAE. The singer ended his performance with a bang and received a lot of cheer from the live audience.
Fans left unimpressed with PJAE's performance on American Idol
Fans took to social media to express their opinions about PJAE's performance. They weren't impressed with his song choice and delivery, and felt that he'd done much better in the previous rounds.
Some fans felt that PJAE could have picked a better song to perform.
Season 21 of American Idol has been an interesting watch so far. Viewers have witnessed a huge amount of talent over the past few weeks of the competition. As the installment progresses, contestants will face even tougher challenges that will test their musical abilities to the utmost extent. Viewers will have to wait to find out who makes it to the next round.
Don't forget to tune in to a brand new episode of American Idol on Monday, April 17, 2023, at 8 pm ET on ABC.