Brooklyn Nine-Nine, often written as Brooklyn 9-9, is an American police procedural comedy television series about an NYPD team in Brooklyn. The show ran for eight seasons and 153 episodes on Fox and then NBC starting on September 17, 2013, before moving to NBC on September 16, 2021. Michael Schur and Dan Goor designed it.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is about the adventures of NYPD's 99th Precinct detective, Detective Jake Peralta, and his colorful, endearing colleagues. The show focuses on the police officers in different aspects of their jobs.
Ray Holt (Andre Braugher), the commanding officer, and Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz), a detective, first cross paths in the Pilot episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine when Holt is appointed captain of the 99th Precinct. Both can sometimes be intense and challenging to read, among their many other parallels. The two start a close friendship when Rosa begins dating Marcus, Holt's nephew.
The two remained friends even after Rosa ended her relationship with Marcus. During a scene in season 3, Holt asks Rosa to join him for a Christmas walk on a frozen lake. When Rosa's fiancé's life was in danger and he had to escape, Holt also assisted Rosa. They have similar thoughts about handling cases because they have collaborated on numerous instances and have a no-nonsense approach to things.
Exploring factors that make Rosa Diaz and Raymond Holt's friendship the best in Brooklyn Nine-Nine
1. Rosa tells Holt and his husband to "bone":
In season 4, episode 8, Skyfire Cycle, Captain Holt goes insane when Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) says that merely "bone-ing" will solve all of Holt and Kevin's issues. As Holt rambles about it, we are treated to a montage of jumps to subsequent times (5 minutes, 10 minutes, 21 minutes, and 40 minutes).
The funniest part would be when Holt yanks on to his office doorway and stoops down, yelling indignation, "BONE???", all while Rosa looks unbothered. Never before has a sexual innuendo produced such amusing outcomes.
2. Holt is there for Rosa when she comes out as bisexual:
In season 5 episode 9 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, titled Game Night, Holt becomes a comforting presence after Rosa comes out as bisexual.
"Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place."
Though he tries to deliver it with Holt's characteristic stoicism, Braugher falters toward the end when he gives Rosa a bear hug. This demonstrates the captain's abiding affection for his team and showcases Braugher's humanity and range as an actor.
3. Vindication:
For a season 4 episode, the captain painstakingly built a balloon arch for Rosa's wedding to Adrian Pimento (Jason Mantzoukas). The captain was always going above and beyond for his team. Everything is delightful, but Braugher saves the finest for last, all the way to the end, with his finest words. "Vindication" never sounded so charming.
4. Rosa's breakup with Marcus:
In Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 3 episode 6, Into the Woods, Captain Holt encourages Rosa to be careful when ending their relationship since Marcus is his nephew.
Rosa tells him how much she loves Marcus, but he has expressed a desire to marry in the future, which Rosa was not prepared for. She worries that she won't ever be ready for anyone else if she isn't ready for a wonderful guy like Marcus.
Rosa and Holt both begin to cry. She was closed off to practically everyone, but she had genuine feelings for Marcus.
5. Rosa gets herself into prison:
After Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 4, Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) and Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz) are incarcerated. Jake and Rosa were found guilty and could have served up to 15 years in jail for their alleged roles in the series of bank robberies.
They eventually managed to expose Hawkins, thanks to a breakthrough from Captain Raymond Holt (Andre Braugher), which allowed Jake and Rosa to be released from prison and return to their previous positions.
6. Rosa introduces Jocelyn to Holt:
How Rosa Diaz and Jocelyn Pryce met is a mystery. The Crime Scene reveals that Jocelyn is a licensed cosmetologist who enjoys experimenting with different haircuts on Rosa. Rosa is initially reluctant to introduce people to Jocelyn; she even hires a performer to portray her when they first meet Holt. However, Rosa eventually gives in and allows Jocelyn to meet Captain Holt.
7. Holt acts as an emotional support to Rosa when she breaks up with Jocelyn:
In season seven of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Rosa is always the one with whom Holt can emotionally connect. Rosa has opened up to Holt about her feelings and isn't afraid to share personal details. Rosa informs Holt that Jocelyn has ended their relationship and that she plans to take the day off to grieve.
Rosa and Holt chose to withdraw from the competition following Holt's apology to her in the fourth game. Ultimately, Holt goes silently with Rosa to listen to death metal music. Holt detested it but stayed put.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a wonderfully crafted comedy series with endearing characters and clever humor. It is one of the few programs that can effectively combine several subplots with a case investigation in a typical 24-minute episode, distinguishing itself from other police procedural comedies.
The show stands apart due to its exceptional cast, character growth throughout the season, and ability to handle various societal concerns with tact and wisdom.