Shark Tank, a reality TV series created by Mark Burnett, airs on ABC. As of now, Shark Tank hasn't officially been approved for its season 16. However, the show's enduring popularity suggests it's only a matter of time before the announcement.
Devised by Mark Burnett, the show is a renowned reality TV series broadcast on ABC. The show features a panel of investors, known as sharks, evaluating pitches from entrepreneurs seeking investments for their businesses and ideas. Premiering on August 9, 2009, Shark Tank has evolved into a hugely popular reality show. Season 15 commenced airing on September 29, 2023.
Everything to Know About Season 16 of Shark Tank
Recently, Mark Cuban, the 65-year-old investor, valued at approximately $6.2 billion according to Forbes, has grabbed attention with his unexpected announcement about stepping away from season 16 of Shark Tank.
Mark Cuban's disclosure during his appearance on the Showtime podcast All The Smoke in November 2023, where he mentioned leaving after season 16, essentially confirms the upcoming season. Mark said:
"This is our 15th year, and next year, our 16th year, is gonna be my last year," Mark shared on the Showtime podcast All The Smoke Nov. 22. "So I got one more year to go."
In a September 2022 magazine cover story, Mark Cuban said about quitting Shark Tank since his three teenage children's schedules didn't align. After his eldest, Alexis, started at Vanderbilt University, managing the varying school breaks of his younger children became challenging, affecting his ability to balance shows filming and attending Mavericks games.
Season 16 has no official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future. Considering the show's widespread popularity, it's only a matter of time before the next season is greenlit.
Before exiting the show, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark, offered insights into his criteria for identifying worthwhile investments for his brand.
"I look for ideas [where I'm] like, 'Damn, why didn't I think of that?'" Mark explained, before noting that on the flip side, "The harder they have to try to sell, the worse the deal. The longer the backstory, the worse the deal. Meaning, the minute you start telling me how hard it was for you? It's hard for every motherf--king entrepreneur."
Following a consistent pattern since 2013, the show has released new seasons towards the end of each year, including during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. If this trend continues, season 16 could potentially premiere in late 2024.
Brands that appeared on Shark Tank season 15
Here are some of the brands after they appeared on Shark Tank season 15:
1) Like Air Puffcorn
Air Puffcorn is a popcorn-like snack that melts in your mouth, without any kernels. The company is still in business and seems to be doing great! Products are now available in several retailers, in addition to Amazon.
2) The Table Tyke Silicone Placemat
The Table Tyke enhances safety for kids during meals, whether dining out or at home. The company is still in business and sold out on Amazon shortly after the episode aired.
Launched in late 2020, the company started with $10,000 in sales. Sales increased to $24,000 in 2021 and nearly $100,000 in 2022. In the filming year of 2023, the projected sales are expected to reach $200,000.
3) The Duo Shareable Umbrella
Nathaniel designed The Duo, an umbrella meant for shared use by two people. You can now pre-order The Duo stick umbrella for $55 on the Shed Rain website, and shipments are anticipated to commence in the summer of 2024.
Explore intriguing products from the show's season 15 on ABC at 8 pm ET/PT or stream it on Hulu.