Kelly Rowland made headlines after she walked out of the set of Today With Hoda & Jenna on Thursday, February 15, following an issue with her dressing room. However, actor Marlon Wayans swiftly came to her defense amidst the backlash from netizens. Despite criticism directed at Rowland, Marlon Wayans called her a “humble loving queen,” garnering widespread praise for his supportive stance.
Calling her “sweet, kind, and professional,” Marlon posted on Instagram:
As soon as Marlon’s praises for Kelly Rowland went viral on social media, the netizens were impressed with his generosity, and they started appreciating his kind words for the actress. One social media user also said:
As per People, Kelly Rowland walked out of the show as she and her team did not like her dressing room. Reports also state Kelly asked to use another dressing room, however, it was being used by another actor. Consequently, she decided to walk out of the show.
The actress was supposed to be a guest on the episode airing on Monday, February 19, 2024, at 8 AM.
Social media users go gaga over Marlon Wayans' post appreciating Kelly Rowland after the recent Today Show fiasco
After Kelly Rowland left the producers of Today With Hoda & Jenna in a tight spot by walking out of the show, she faced criticism from many individuals on social media who deemed her actions inappropriate. However, her co-star from The Curse of Bridge Hollow, Marlon Wayans, was quick to defend her, as he wrote a lengthy post for her on Instagram.
Marlon’s gesture was then appreciated by many on social media, as his post went viral on the internet. As an Instagram account, @theshaderoom posted about the same on the platform, here is how the masses reacted:
Kelly Rowland was scheduled to appear on Today to promote her latest project, Mea Culpa, which is set to premiere on Netflix on February 23. The film has generated significant buzz due to its intriguing storyline. However, following Rowland's departure from the show, Rita Ora agreed to fill in for the show at the last minute.