With various notable streamers/gamers getting early copies of Cyberpunk 2077, it has been reported that the game is crashing on first attempt after the in-game tutorial.
With the gaming community having waited for Cyberpunk 2077’s release for a number of years, viewers have been flocking to notable gamers’ channels, who have all started streaming content.
However, streamers such as Shroud and the Fextralife group have found that the game keeps crashing on the first attempt, right after the tutorial.
However, it seems as if the reason this was happening was that the streamers in question were using GOG overlay while streaming Cyberpunk 2077.
GOG is a digital distribution platform for video games and films, and the company itself is a sister concern of CD Projekt Red. Cyberpunk 2077 uses GOG launcher, with the GOG Galaxy 2.0 allowing PC players to unite all their games and friends scattered across platforms.
Cyberpunk 2077 crashes for Shroud and other streamers during first attempt after in-game tutorial
Earlier today, Shroud hosted his first Cyberpunk 2077 stream. The stream had more than 100k viewers at one point of time. However, during his first attempt to boot the game, he found that it crashed once the in-game tutorial had played out.
As can be seen in the video, Shroud was caught off guard when Cyberpunk 2077 suddenly crashed during the stream. The same has been reported by other streamers, and the matter was talked about by YouTuber Alex Cheric on Twitter.
Apparently, disabling the GOG overlay makes the game work fine again, so the issue is manageable.
Quite a few mainstream gamers have also rushed to Twitter to talk about the random game crashes that they are experiencing across platforms. However, various sources have reported that the same GOG overlay issue is behind the random game crashes as well.
To solve it, all players need to do is to disable the GOG overlay by going to the settings and unticking the box next to “Overlay.”
GOG.com is a sister company of CD Projekt Red, and it is also it's launch platform. The overlay feature has been said to be causing the crashes, and the issue can be solved quite easily.