Sneakers are an integral part of modern fashion, and their popularity has only grown in recent years. However, there are many myths about sneakers that simply aren't true. For instance, all "Made in China" sneakers are fake, counterfeit shoes are also real, and silhouettes need to be changed every six months are some of the most common misconceptions that you might be familiar with.
These myths can lead to common mistakes that many shoe enthusiasts make, from buying the wrong size to overpaying for a limited edition release. Therefore, it’s mandatory for the sneakerhead community to know about these myths and the truth about them. Let's debunk five common myths so that sneakerheads can step up their sneaker game with confidence.
5 common mistakes to avoid with sneakers

Myth 1 - "Squeak" means authentic sneakers
It is one of the most common myths that has been around for decades. Many people, even now, continue to place a high level of importance on the "squeak" noise that shoes tend to make as the key factor determining their genuineness.
Well, you'd be surprised to learn that it is a complete myth. The reason these pairs make the squeak sound is because their outsole vibrates when they come in contact with the ground. This does not prove the authenticity of a pair of shoes.

Myth 2 - Sneakers "made in China" means fake
Given the reputation of the country for making knockoff items, the majority of people have this notion that anything that is made in China is fake. Due to this misconception, many individuals fail to grab their favorite pair of newly released kicks when they are made available.
However, the good news is that it is a complete myth! Not every pair of shoes from China is fake. Due to the low cost of labor in the country, many footwear brands have established their manufacturing factories in China. Brands like Nike, Under Armour, and Adidas have their manufacturing factories in China, and they undoubtedly produce authentic silhouettes.

Myth 3 - Counterfeit and authentic shoes are the same
Counterfeit shoes may puzzle buyers who are not acquainted with the silhouette of shoes from popular brands. The shoe market's sinister side is growing as more counterfeit models gain popularity. Fake shoes now appear "nearly" like legitimate ones. Manufacturers of fake goods and the myriad retailers that sell them are always devising new methods to deceive people.
Big companies like Nike and Adidas have factories and distributors. So, another company creating such things for a cheaper price makes no commercial sense and is prohibited since they must follow production rules. Be wary of anyone selling products claiming, "These are rejected products that are available at a lower price," since its a fraud.
Always remember that authentic brands don't do that.

Myth 4 - Hanging sneakers means gangster area
Shoes strung from power wires are widely seen as a territorial sign by gangs. Just like shown in the movies, entering a neighborhood where shoes hang high from wires means it's dangerous territory. It might work if anybody intentionally wants to keep intruders away by milking this narrative, but apart from that, it is just a myth!
These are usually the doings of youngsters who get sick of their old shoes and hang them out to display their wear. Some individuals, especially the elderly, like to display them in various locations, as a reminder of happier times.

Myth 5 - Replace a pair every six months
Replacing a pair every six months is not necessary as long as the pair is completely fine and not worn out. If new releases are taking place within two months in a row, collecting those pairs as a shoe lover is fine.
However, apart from that, there’s no need to buy a new pair after six months of wearing one. It can definitely be reused for longer if the piece is fine.
This article outlines five myths that are widespread among sneakerheads, whose truth may otherwise be difficult to evaluate. Following these tips will ensure that enthusiasts make informed decisions about their purchases. By avoiding the mistakes discussed above, anyone can ensure that they get the best possible value and enjoyment from their shoes.