Space Force's second season premiered on Netflix on February 18, 2022. The show is a workplace comedy set in the United States' latest military division, tasked with the mission of conquering the moon. Despite the interesting premise, the show fell short in its first season and was largely unimpressive.
Netflix's Space Force is back with better writing, better direction, and a more solid plot, converting the show from an outright satire to a workplace comedy. The Steve Carell starrer had much to offer in terms of comic relief, good acting, and some life lessons.
Here are some takeaways from the latest Netflix series.
Space Force takeaway: A team sticks together
Regardless of how the previous season relied heavily on special effects and explored a lot of "space," this season remained grounded in reality with depictions of work-related problems like budget cuts and clumsy projects. Space Force season 2 builds up to some special moments and realizations.
The show follows the workers of the United States' sixth branch of the Armed Forces, called the Space Force. The group consists of scientists, astronauts, and military personnel working together in a bid to conquer outer space and keep other countries in check.
Amidst private companies trying to poach the skilled scientists and workers of the Space Force, this season shows the importance of friendships and the bonds one creates while going through tough times together. Be it the romantic bond between Dr. Chan, played by Jimmy O. Yang, and Angela Ali, played by Tawny Newsome, or the fun bond of workers with Dr. Adrian, played by John Malkovich.
The end of the episode emphasizes how General Naird, played by Steve Carell, fully believes that his team will stick together, no matter what. His relationship with his daughter also indicates the same. Naird and his daughter's dynamic had a lot of screen time this season.
A beautiful evolution of the duo was shown, and by the end of the season, the same element of trust was established between them. The major takeaway from the show is that if you have a bond with people, you can take a chance by trusting them. This pays off most of the time.
The show has improved a lot, and seems to have a soul this time around. It may still not be good enough to get a third season, but this season is enjoyable enough. Stay tuned for more updates.