Spellbound, the highly anticipated upcoming animated feature from Skydance Animation, is set to make its debut on Apple TV+ in 2024. Fans can expect a captivating musical fairy tale that will transport them to a world of magic and enchantment. Directed by Vicky Jenson, the talented filmmaker behind the first Academy Award-winning animated feature, Shrek, Spellbound tells the story of Princess Ellian, voiced by Rachel Ziegler.
The plot of the movie goes as a terrible spell has transformed her parents, the king, and queen, into monstrous creatures, leaving Princess Ellian to single-handedly govern the kingdom.
As she navigates this daunting responsibility, the princess encounters a range of eccentric characters who aid her in her quest to break the curse and save her family and the kingdom from eternal darkness.
Spellbound cast and details revealed
The upcoming film is set in the world of Lumbria, a magical kingdom that has been split in two by a dark spell. Princess Ellian is the only one who can break the spell and unite the kingdom.
Ellian is joined by a group of unlikely friends, including a talking cat, a wise old wizard, and a young peasant boy.
The voice cast of Spellbound is nothing short of extraordinary. Leading the ensemble is Rachel Ziegler, known for her role in West Side Story and Shazam! Fury of the Gods, who breathes life into the courageous Princess Ellian.
Academy Award winners Nicole Kidman and Javier Bardem also join the cast, lending their immense star power to the project.
Kidman portrays the kind-hearted Queen Ellsmere, while Bardem takes on the role of the pretentious yet benevolent King Solon.
The cast also includes acclaimed actors such as John Lithgow, Jennifer Lewis, Nathan Lane, and Tituss Burgess, adding depth and charisma to the diverse lineup.
The script for the movie was crafted by a team of accomplished screenwriters, including Lauren Hyne, Elizabeth Martin (known for their work on Mulan), and Linda Woolverton (known for their work on Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King).
With such a talented team behind the scenes, viewers can expect a captivating and emotionally resonant narrative.
The musical score and original songs for Spellbound are composed by eight-time Academy Award winner Alan Menken, who is known for his iconic contributions to beloved Disney films like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and Pocahontas.
The lyrics are penned by Glenn Slater, an Academy Award nominee recognized for his work on Tangled. This collaboration between Menken and Slater promises to deliver a memorable and melodic experience to the viewers' ears.
Skydance Animation, under the leadership of director John Lasseter, is dedicated to producing innovative and imaginative animated projects. Lasseter, who has received two Academy Awards for his work in animation, brings his wealth of experience and passion for storytelling to Skydance Animation.
With its captivating story, star-studded cast, and the creative genius of renowned talents behind the scenes, Spellbound promises to be an unforgettable animated experience for audiences of all ages.
Skydance Animation, in collaboration with Apple TV+, continues to pave the way for cutting-edge animated films and high-quality television programs that will surely captivate audiences worldwide.
Spellbound is now slated for a 2024 premiere on Apple TV+.