Star Trek: Picard aired its final episode on April 20, 2023, bringing back the crew for one last time for Star Trek: Next Generation fans to obsess over. Not only did the series conclude in a pleasing manner, something that was expected of this episode as it is perhaps the last we will see of Picard, but it also hinted at many buried stories in the Star Trek universe, which may soon begin to take shape in one form or another.
Clocking at over one hour, the final episode of Star Trek: Picard, which has been often criticized in the past for its sloppy storytelling, pulled out all the aces, delivering a powerful battle that barely left any breathing space. The episode also tactfully wrapped up with the Borg drama before the last quarter, allowing viewers to take in the last of what's left of Star Trek: Picard before its ultimate curtain fall.
Star Trek: Picard season 3 episode 10 is available for streaming on Paramount+.
Star Trek: Picard season 3 finale pulled out all the important ingredients of nostalgia
Star Trek: Picard is hardly a show that would hold value if not for the memorable characters and the connection to the incredible Star Trek: Next Generation. This is the show's strongest aspect, and it knows that better than anything else. Moreover, this is the motivation for the final episode, which served viewers with almost everything that they love in the franchise.
The finale began with the android Picard (Patrick Stewart) talking about ending their battle that started 35 years ago, an accurate measure of the time since the original series aired. Soon, the Federation’s longstanding battle with the Borg began to materialize, this time with an air of finality in it.
The finale soon jumps to reveal some things the Borg were up to during this duration, exposing some of their weaknesses and the eventual resolution that made them stand out. Borg Queen admitted that the Borgs were left to starve and had to take drastic measures, quite contrary to the image long-term fans have in mind.
This led to the big battle scene, which is usually expected from finales like this one. The remarkably reflective battle proved that the Star Trek: Picard season 3 finale pulled out all the important ingredients of nostalgia for the fans one last time before divulging the details of the plot.
Several important crises take center stage in the finale, with Beverly (Gates McFadden) left with a complicated choice and Picard using his android body to good effect. It also deals with some reflective moments, including Picard's ultimate admission about his loneliness. He also bonded with his son in unforeseen ways in the finale, fixing the mistakes of the past.
Meanwhile, Ed Speelers managed to work his character way too well in the finale, making sure that he was toe-to-toe with the great Patrick Stewart in every way. Stewart also delivered one of his finest Picard-era performances in the finale, making for a worthy goodbye. Moreover, that is exactly what happened in the end. The crew sat together to toast one final time as the series pulled curtains on this nostalgic ride. All in all, it was one of the most satisfying conclusions to the tale.
Star Trek: Picard is now streaming on Paramount+.