Steve Buscemi is a renowned actor known for his roles in 30 Rock (as Lenny), Fargo (as Carl) and Reservoir Dogs (as Mr. Pink), amongst others. Buscemi graduated from Valley Stream Central High School in 1975. Five years later, he joined New York City firefighters, where he continued till 1984.
According to his IMDb, Steve Buscemi forayed into acting from 1985 and has garnered over 166 credits. The actor also has experience doing voice roles in film series like Hotel Transylvania (as the Werewolf, Wayne) and Boss Baby.
Buscemi has been immortalized as a meme owing to his appearance in 30 Rock. Like in 2020's The King of Staten Island, where he played a firefighter, this article also focuses on his contributions as a firefighter to the community.
Here's how fans reacted to Steve Buscemi's heroic contribution during the attacks of 9/11 in New York
Steve Buscemi was a firefighter at the Little Italy section of New York with Engine Company No. 55 for four years, from 1980 to 1984. At the age of 55, in 2001, when two planes hit both World Trade Center towers, Steve Buscemi volunteered in the rescue efforts with his old firehouse.
According to reports, Buscemi volunteered to help rescue survivors and firefighters from the building's rubble. He used to work 12-hour shifts for a week. According to FireRescue1, the actor tried to avoid public attention when he volunteered, even denying reporters' interview requests. Reportedly, he wore a surgical mask to avoid being recognized by people.
Later, in an HBO documentary, Buscemi recalled,
"It was a privilege to be able to do it. It was great to connect with the firehouse I used to work with and with some of the guys I worked alongside…"
The Brooklyn native further added,
"It wasn't until I stopped that I really felt the full impact of what had happened. It would have been much harder for me to get through it if I hadn't been able to do that."
In 2003, Steve Buscemi rallied support as he gave speeches on higher wages for firefighters. He also protested to prevent three firehouses from closing down (including his former workplace, Engine 55). The actor was arrested, along with 19 other supporters.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Buscemi again showed up to aid in the efforts to clean up the destruction at Breezy Point, N.Y.
In 2014, Steve Buscemi starred and co-produced an HBO documentary, titled A Good Job: Stories of the FDNY. The documentary showcased the efforts of the brave firefighters who stepped in to rescue survivors during 9/11. He also recalled some of his own efforts as a volunteer during that time.
Buscemi is also a member of the advisory board of the NGO Friends of Firefighters. The organization provides aid to active and retired firefighters personnel.