In the latest episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA), tensions reached their peak as Kandi and Drew found themselves embroiled in a heated confrontation over the infamous kiss accusations. Kandi vehemently denied the allegations, while Drew remained convinced that Kandi was not being truthful about what happened that night.
Adding to the drama, LaToya's involvement and her conflicting statements only intensified the chaos.
In RHOA season 15 episode 13, titled Peach Passion, the feud got intense when Drew and LaToya confronted Kandi about her kissing accusations of the two. The duo vehemently denied that anything happened between them and accused Kandi of lying, who in response said that she believes in her truth.
Marlo also got involved in the mix as she sent a video of Drew confessing that LaToya did make some "moves," to LaToya herself. However, she quickly left when she was accused by Drew of editing the video to make it look like a confession. Marlo denied the accusations while taking a jab at her.
RHOA fans watching the mess unfold on the latest episode took to social media to claim that the feud should have been squashed a long time ago.
RHOA fans slam Drew for accusing Kandi of lying about LaToya and the former's kiss
From the opening moments of episode 13, it is seen that LaToya is invited to the Peach Buzz event and goes on to say that she is upset as she wasn't there to defend herself when accusations of kissing were made on the Portugal trip. LaToya has oscillated between denying and admitting the kiss in the past, which has left her credibility hanging in the balance.
As the Peach Buzz event unfolds, it becomes evident that this drama is far from over. Drew, Marlo, Kandi, and LaToya find themselves in a heated discussion surrounding the recordings from Portugal. Drew claims that the videos sent to LaToya were manipulated by Marlo, further exacerbating the animosity between the ladies.
Marlo had sent videos to LaToya in which when Drew was asked "Did she [LaToya] try and kiss you?" she responded by saying "She always trying h*mping on me." LaToya sees this as a way of Marlo trying to reignite the feud between the two, as Drew accused Marlo of editing it.
Marlo, feeling overwhelmed, decides to exit the room, giving Kandi, Drew, and LaToya space to continue their intense conversation. Kandi makes it clear that she remains indifferent to the events that transpired between Drew and LaToya, vehemently opposing being labeled as a liar.
RHOA fans took to Twitter to react to this messy confrontation as they believe that Drew should confess to the kissing accusation instead of blaming other castmates for it. Some fans also felt this conversation is given more screentime than needed.
Kandi confesses she might have misjudged the situation with Drew and LaToya's kissing accusation
In the same episode, the producers seized the opportunity to shed light on a past conversation between LaToya and Kandi during an after-show segment. In the said segment, LaToya is seen denying that she made out with Drew, while Kandi acknowledges the possibility that she might not have seen everything unfold due to the chaotic nature of that night.
RHOA season 15 episode 13 aired on August 6, 2023, at 8 pm ET on Bravo.