With an intriguing and exciting list of Street Woman Fighter 2 contestants, the second season of the famous Korean-based female dance survival program is all set to return on August 22, 2023. As fans prepare for the upcoming season, they come bearing high expectations, given the immense popularity that the show enjoyed and the standards it set with its first season.
Recently, the eight dance crews and their members have rolled out their dance covers for songs belonging to artists from the four big agencies as an introductory performance. Many of the groups have managed to surprise viewers by popping up familiar faces in the dance survival show.
It's also interesting to note that most Street Woman Fighter 2 contestants are above the age of 23, with the eldest participant being 41 years old. The show garnered a lot of positive attention and appreciation for the same for its sense of inclusivity and offering a chance for talented dancers from the elder generation to showcase their skills and passion.
This has considerably increased fans' expectations, and they can hardly wait to watch what these talented groups of women will be bringing to the table.
All Street Woman Fighter 2 contestants: The 8 dance crews who'll be participating in the survival dance show
The first among the Street Woman Fighter 2 contestants who'll be participating in the SM BATTLE is DEEP N DAP. The group rolled out a performance on aespa's famous track, Next Level, stunning viewers with their energy.
The members consist of Mina Myoung, Downy, Soll, Locker Zee, Minny Park, JJ, and Gooseul.
Battling against DEEP N DAP in the SM BATTLE is LADY BOUNCE. They performed SM Entertainment's famous sub-unit track, NCT 127's Kick It.
The crew members are Vessi, Biggy, Naro, NOB, and Capri.
3) Wolf' Lo
For the next battle among the Street Woman Fighter 2 contestants, songs belonging to artists from YG Entertainment will be chosen. The first group, Wolf' Lo, released a performance of BLACKPINK's recent hit song, Shut Down from their Born Pink album.
The members of the group include Halo, Babysleek, Chocol, Mini, Yeni Cho, and Haechiwang.
Competing against them is 1MILLION, performing a K-pop soloist track from the legendary second-generation artist, BIGBANG G-Dragon's COUP D'ETAT.
The group consists of its members namely, Lia Kim, Amy, Dohee, Debby, Redy, and Harimu.
The next songs that will be competed with against the Street Woman Fighter 2 contestants are from artists belonging to JYP Entertainment.
Performing ITZY's famous track, Not Shy is TSUBAKILL, a six-member dance crew consisting of Akamen, Sayaka, Miki, Momo, Yumeri, and Rena.
Going against TSUBAKILL with a powerful performance is BEBE, with the cover of Stray Kids' MANIAC. The members consist of many noticeable dance members, including a choreographer from SM Entertainment.
Bada, Lusher, Tatter, Kyma, Minha, Cheche, and Soweon make the containments of the group.
For the last face off between Street Woman Fighter 2 contestants, songs will be picked out by the tracks put forth by HYBE LABELS artists. JAM REPUBLIC rolled out a performance cover of the rookie group, LE SSERAFIM's latest track, Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's Wife.
The members of the group are Kirsten, Ling, Latrice, Emma, and Audrey.
Competing against JAM REPUBLIC is a dance crew that's as iconic as their name, MANNEQUEEN. They covered one of BTS' many iconic songs, DOPE, which is particularly known for its quick and exciting choreography.
The members of the group include Funky Y, Buckey, Waackxxxy, Redlic, Yoonji, and Cera.
With just over a month left for the premiere of the dance show, fans are eager to see what the Street Woman Fighter 2 contestants have in store for them.