Summer House season 8 episode 2, titled House of Cards, was aired on Bravo on Thursday, February 29, 2024. The latest episode featured Kyle trying his best to salvage the damage caused by venting his feelings to Paige about his continuing relationship with Amanda.
On the other hand, invisible sparks flew all over Summer House season 8 star Ciara as she developed a bond with West, the new housemate. Lastly, Lindsay and Carl were faced with an unexpected crisis.
What happened on Summer House season 8 episode 2?
In the latest episode of Summer House season 8, after the lavish Fourth of July celebration, Kyle asks West if he kissed Ciara. West responded that he just wanted to sow the seeds and take things slowly.
Jesse Solomon was caught in an overly aggressive flirtation episode with Amanda. Later, Kyle didn't take this too kindly. The ongoing conflict between Amanda and Kyle intensified. Their relationship even seemed to be edging towards an inevitable fallout.
While his wife was discussing him with Ciara and Paige in the closet, Kyle was seen searching for her around the party. Amanda was markedly upset when Paige informed her that Kyle stated she wasn't ready to have kids.
The next morning, Amanda was in a bad mood and felt lousy, feeling that Kyle was still upset with her for her behavior last night. Kyle claimed that although he didn't go out and party too much this time, he still felt the same guilt and depressing sensation as before.
As Summer House season 8's latest episode progressed, everyone was nervous when the cast showed up for the second weekend, and Lindsay was not acting well. When West entered as Larl's friend, they had a brief argument.
West explained that he wanted to leave the fan on because he tends to get overheated at night. He also mentioned that he had left some items in the room above that belonged to them the previous year. Lindsay asked him if the room was heated. Being kind and submissive throughout, West instructed her to take a temperature and report back to him.
Viewers of the Bravo show further learned that West had visited every state in the union and that Jesse "Jazz Brunch" Solomon had twice survived cancer during dinner with the rest of the housemates. Then, as 12:30 PM rolled in, it was time for the housemates to disperse.
Lindsay Hubbard had been drinking since earlier and felt even more insecure than normal, so she was prepared for her first meltdown of the season. Lindsay found herself riding in a Lyft with Carl, Kyle, and Jesse Solomon as everyone split into groups to get to the club.
At the club, things got worse. Lindsay mentioned that Carl appeared to be high on cocaine. She addressed every member of the cast who was capable of hearing. After picking up Gabby, she then headed home. On the way home, Carl texted her to let her know that he thought they had different experiences that night and would like to chat about it in the morning.
As the episode ended, the feud between Lindsay and Carl appeared to continue.
Summer House season 8 airs Thursdays on Bravo.