Moriah Gaynor, one of the contestants on Survivor 46, was eliminated after losing the Earn the Merge challenge on day 13. During elimination in episode 6, she was unanimously voted out by the Siga players. Titled Cancel Christmas, episode 6 of Survivor 46 was released exclusively on CBS on Wednesday, April 3, 2024. The synopsis of the episode reads:
"Castaways hit the ground running to figure out where the cracks are within the other tribes; the players hope to find new life in the game if they can earn the merge."
In a conversation with Entertainment Tonight on April 4, 2024, San Diego resident Gaynor revealed details of what wasn't shown at the Tribal Council. By the end of the challenge, Moriah knew she wouldn't last long in the game and would have to go home. She revealed that her Shot in the Dark didn't make it to the episode.
Survivor 46 contestant Moriah shares moments that did not make the cut
In Survivor 46 episode 6, the three tribes in the competition headed towards the "limbo" stage, where contestants competed for immunity to save themselves from elimination. At the end of the challenge, all teams were merged into a new tribe. The program coordinator found herself in a vulnerable position when her own Siga tribe voted her out after telling her she wasn't a threat.
The Siga tribe also formed an alliance to allegedly blindside Jemila “Jem” Hussain-Adams. Even though the Survivor 46 contestant knew she was in the last spot, she went along with the plan before the three tribes merged. After Jem was voted out, three Siga and three Nami players lost the immunity challenge.
When Moriah realized she was being voted out by 12 of her cast mates, including her original tribe members, she felt undervalued. Before leaving, Moriah expressed her disappointment about how her fellow participants voted her out.
"I just got voted out of Survivor. The good news: everyone spelled my name right, so small victory there. In this game, my biggest takeaway is ‘you deserve as much as you believe you do’ and that’s up to you to determine. It’s sad to know that this is where my journey stops."
Moriah told Entertainment Tonight that by the time she made it to the Tribal Council on Survivor 46, she had to face judgment from her peers. The reality show contestant added that her fellow contestants viewed her in a specific light and thought her abilities were limited to a "box." Expressing frustration, she said:
"You're letting what you think I should be get in the way of who I am and what I'm playing. You're judging me on how I walk, you're judging me on how I talk, and you're going to lose because of it. I'm more than this box that you have decided I am.”
Moriah wanted this moment where she was "fed up" to be shown on Survivor 46. Another moment was when Moriah went to the voting booth to play her Shot in the Dark. Unfortunately, her shot was reportedly "caught midair" and then skipped, but she wanted this to make it to the final cut to prove to her family that she is "coordinated".
Stream the upcoming Survivor 46 episode 7 exclusively on CBS on April 10, 2024. Fans can follow Moriah Gaynor on her official Instagram account, to see what she is up to after elimination.