CBS recently premiered a brand new season of Survivor. The popular reality TV competition series is now all set to return with an all-new episode in less than a day. Fans can expect a lot of drama this week as contestants have to "snake their way" into finding an immunity idol or a reward.
Hosted by Jeff Probst, the show features contestants who've been divided into three tribes. They are all determined to make it to the end and bag the title as the ultimate winner of Survivor season 44.
Survivor will air with episode 2 on March 8, 2023, at 8 pm ET. The official synopsis for season 44 reads:
"Stranded in the beautiful islands of Fiji, 18 determined new castaways will be divided into 3 tribes of 6 and forced to form a new society as they adapt to their physical and social surroundings."
Survivor season 44 episode 2 has been titled Two Dorky Magnets
Episode 2 of the famed reality TV competition series will be released on March 8, 2023, Wednesday night at 8 pm ET/ 7 pm CT only on CBS. Viewers who do not have access to cable TV can watch the show with a valid subscription and login credentials for YouTube TV.
The episode will also be available on the CBS All Access site. It can also be streamed on Global TV the next day.
Titled Two Dorky Magnets, the official synopsis for episode 2 of Survivor season 44 reads:
"Tribes must snake their way toward the win for immunity and reward; paranoia starts to set in over a looming suspicion; lines are drawn in the sand at the tribal council."
Last week when the episode premiered, viewers met 18 contestants who were divided into three tribes. Over the next few weeks, fans will get to see these tribes battle against each other to be the last ones standing until the merge.
Prior to the release of the episode, the series released a sneak peek, teasing what fans can expect. In the trailer, Matt can be seen opening up about his past relationship. During a confessional, he shared:
"Coming into this game, I was in a very vulnerable state. I recently got out of a relationship that meant the world to me and I wanted to be able to put that behind, but, you bring it into the game and kicking things off I lost my vote for the next two tribal councils but, I don't think this game could've gone any worse for me. Even though the Matt-Stock is at all time low, I found an incredible connection with Franie. I really like Franie."
In another trailer, Lauren can be seen revealing that she had an extra vote. She added that she would use it to her advantage. She shared that this gave her more power than anyone else had at this point. Fans are now eager to see how the dynamics in the group will play out in episode 2 of the hit show.
Survivor season 44 will air every Wednesday night on CBS. Readers can check local listings for more information.