UP TV's upcoming romantic drama Sweet as Pie is set to premiere on the network on Sunday, July 31, 2022. The film tells the story of a young, ambitious woman who deals with various challenges pertaining to her new company. While on a break, she meets her childhood friend and falls in love with him.
The official synopsis of the film reads:
''An entrepreneur dealing with the implosion of her startup and her relationship visits her family’s apple orchard in hopes of taking a break from life until she falls for her childhood best friend, and the farm’s new manager.''
The film stars Rhiannon Fish and Kurt Szarka, among many others, in pivotal roles. Without further ado, read on to find out more details about the film's cast.
UP TV's Sweet as Pie cast list: Rhiannon Fish and others in pivotal roles
1) Rhiannon Fish as Tamara Hayes
Rhiannon Fish essays the lead role of Tamara Hayes in Sweet as Pie. Fish looks natural and effortless in the movie preview. Her chemistry with her co-star Roark Critchlow is one of the major highlights of the preview. She's also played several memorable roles in the show Neighbours, As the Bell Rings, and many more.
2) Kurt Szarka as Evan Lewis
Kurt Szarka plays the role of Fish's love interest in the film, Evan Lewis. Szarka's raw charisma and charm give his character a distinctive aura that elevates the love story to a different level.
Szarka has been a part of shows like Riverdale and Maid. Based on Sweet as Pie's movie preview, viewers can expect a memorable performance from this highly talented actor.
3) Roark Critchlow as Bill
Roar Critchlow stars as Bill in the film. Not many details about his role in the movie are known at this point. Critchlow is a noted Canadian actor who's been a part of several films and shows over the years, including Days of Our Lives, Drake & Josh, Passions, and many more.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the film stars several others in prominent supporting roles, including:
- Mercedes De La Cruz
- Tracey Power
- Vincent Ross
- Dave Kenneth MacKinnon
- Beth Fotheringham
The film is directed by Jonathan MacPherson, and the script is written by Haidyn Harvey and Amy Katherine Taylor.
A quick look at Sweet as Pie preview
UP TV's preview of the film offers a peek into lead character Tamara's eventful life. It showcases Tamara's ambitious nature as a businesswoman while also focusing on her romantic side. Her interactions with Evan set the tone of the film.
Along with the trailer, UP TV's official YouTube channel also shared a quirky description of the film that sums up Tamara's situation. It states:
''She's looking for a missing ingredient, but there's a fire in the family kitchen. With some sugar and maybe too much spice, could this be a recipe for disaster? Or can she have her pie and eat it too?''
Don't miss Sweet as Pie on UP TV on Sunday, July 31, 2022, at 7:00 PM ET.