UPtv's romantic drama, Sweet as Maple Syrup, is all set to premiere on the channel on Sunday, October 8, 2023. The film centers around a young woman whose family's maple orchard starts declining. She reaches out to a professor of arboriculture to ensure the orchard is healed in time ahead of the maple syrup festival.
Here's the official synopsis of the movie, as per UPtv:
''When Rachelle’s family maple orchard starts to decline, she enlists the help of Derek, a professor of arboriculture, to heal the orchard in time for the annual maple syrup festival.''
Sweet as Maple Syrup stars Brooke Nevin in the lead role and many other actors playing significant supporting characters. It is helmed by noted filmmaker Caroline Labrèche and written by Julie Kim and Kariné Marwood.
UPtv's Sweet as Maple Syrup cast list: Who stars in the new romantic drama film?
1) Brooke Nevin as Rachelle Beaumont
Brooke Nevin stars in the lead role of Rachelle Beaumont in UPtv's Sweet as Maple Syrup. Rachelle is a young woman whose family maple orchard has started to decline. Her whole life changes when she seeks the help of an arboriculture professor, who helps her heal the orchard before the maple syrup festival.
Nevin looks quite charming and impressive in the film's trailer, promising to deliver a memorable performance. Apart from Sweet as Maple Syrup, Nevin has appeared in a number of films and TV shows over the years. These include Meet Me in New York, S.W.A.T., Her Secret Family Killer, It Takes a Christmas Village, and many more.
2) Carlo Marks as Derek
Actor Carlo Marks dons the role of Derek in the UPtv romantic drama film. Derek is a professor of arboriculture who's approached by Rachelle to help her heal her family's maple orchard. Their relationship lies at the heart of the film, and it'll be interesting to see how it'll be explored.
Marks looks quite charming in the trailer and shares lovely onscreen chemistry with Brooke Nevin. Marks has previously appeared in projects like A Kismet Christmas, Making Spirits Bright, A Lethal Lesson, Love at Sunset Terrace, and Angel Falls: A Novel Holiday, to name a few.
3) Felicia Shulman as Betty
Felicia Shulman essays the character of Betty in Sweet as Maple Syrup. Not many details are known about her character at this point.
Shulman is a noted actress who's been a part of movies and shows like The Bold Type, With Love, Blood Quantum, and many more.
Apart from these names, the film also stars many other actors in pivotal supporting roles like:
- Frank Fiola as Melvin
- Angela Galuppo as Claire
- Jon McLaren as Steven
- Kareem Tristan Alleyne as Mike
Don't forget to watch Sweet as Maple Syrup on UPtv on Sunday, October 8, 2023, at 8 pm ET.