A new psychological thriller, Sympathy for the Devil, starring popular actor Nicolas Cage is all set to arrive in theatres across the country on Friday, July 28. The film will follow the story of a mysterious passenger (Cage), who forces a cab's driver at gunpoint to drive him wherever he wants in an attempt to play a "game" with him. While the passengers' intentions aren't clear at first, the driver soon finds himself to be a part of a much bigger and unexpected plot.
The official synopsis of the film, as per Rotten Tomatoes, reads as:
"After being forced to drive a mysterious passenger at gunpoint, a man finds himself in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse where it becomes clear that not everything is at it seems."
Sympathy for the Devil is written by Luke Paradise and directed by Yuval Adler, with Marc Goldberg, Alex Lebovici, Stuart Manashil, and Allan Ungar acting as the executive producers.
Sympathy for the Devil promises to be a thrilling escapade for viewers
Rotten Tomatoes released the official trailer for the Sympathy for the Devil a few weeks back, which has managed to take the internet by storm. The psychological thriller truly lives up to its hype as it is every bit spooky, disturbing, and thrilling as fans would expect it to be.
At the offset, the trailer acquaints us with a driver who visits the hospital to be with his wife who's about to give birth. However, he's not exactly able to follow up on his plans as he encounters a mysterious passenger in the hospital's parking lot. Taken at gunpoint by the strange man almost immediately, the driver pleads to let him go and explains that he's in the middle of a family emergency, however, the man crazily claims that he's his emergency now.
Desperate to not die, the driver follows the passenger's instructions to drive him to his desired location. Not knowing where he's headed, the former constantly looks for a way to inform someone about the deadly situation, however, to no avail. The passenger forces him to follow his instructions and reveals intricate secrets about the driver and his family that convinces him that he's in fact taken hostage by a madman.
The trailer then shows the passenger gunning down a cop who stops the driver for speeding, adding to his already scary personality. The viewers are also shown snippets of the passenger playing games with the driver, constantly asking him personal questions, and even shown threatening him to answer his questions, otherwise he would kill those around him at the moment.
Throughout the trailer, it is almost impossible to decipher the reason for the passengers' ambush on the seemingly ordinary driver, who repeatedly claims that there is nothing of value that he can offer to the passenger. The driver even pleads by saying to the passenger that he must've caught the wrong man. These unsettling snippets add to the general intrigue of the passengers' true intentions and make the movie all the more attractive and inviting.
More about Sympathy for the Devil's cast
Sympathy for the Devil features actors Nicolas Cage and Joel Kinnaman in the lead roles of the passenger and the driver. Both actors have already managed to garner appreciation from the audience and promise to provide a spectacular performance in the film.
Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage has previously starred in numerous films including Ghost Rider, Face/Off, Con Air, Gone in 60 Seconds, and The Rock, among numerous others while Kinnaman boasts of film credits such as The Suicide Squad, Easy Money, The Informer and RoboCop, among others.
The film also stars several other actors essaying pivotal roles in the film including:
- Kaiwi Lyman
- Nancy Good
- Burns Burns
- Rich Hopkins
- Cameron Lee Price
- Alexis Zollicoffer
Sympathy for the Devil hits theatres on Friday, July 28, 2023.