Tubi's sequel to the 2022 remake of Terror Train, titled Terror Train 2, is all set to hit the streaming platform on New Year's Eve on Saturday, December 31, 2022. The sequel is set a year after the devastating events that unfolded in the previous flick. It continues the passengers' struggle for survival in a nightmarish situation.
The movie stars Robyn Alomar and Tim Rozon, who will be reprising their characters from the previous movie. Terror Train 2 is helmed by noted director Philippe Gagnon.
Terror Train 2 on Tubi will deliver some scares
Tubi dropped the official trailer for the movie on December 27, 2022, and it offers a glimpse of the several shocking events set to unfold in the upcoming sequel. The trailer wastes no time establishing the plot and setting the tone for the sequel as viewers are introduced to the main characters battling for survival.
There are several genuinely scary scenes in the film, much like the original Terror Train, although vastly different in tone. Overall, the trailer does not give away any spoilers and promises an absolute thriller perfect for weekend viewing. Along with the trailer, Tubi also shared a short description of the movie on their YouTube channel, which reads:
''Having survived the carnage, Robyn Alomar (Alana) and Tim Rozon (The Magician) will reprise their characters in TERROR TRAIN 2, which takes place over a year after the gruesome, vengeful murders took the lives of multiple college seniors aboard the now infamous ''Terror Train.''
The synopsis further reads:
''In the sequel, the remaining survivors are coerced to take a New Year’s Eve redemption ride on the very same train, where a new evil awaits and the terrified passengers must once again fight to survive the ride.''
Based on the trailer and synopsis, viewers can expect a typical slasher film with lots of jumpscares and terrifying moments. Since the remake lived up to the original, fans can expect the sequel to do complete justice to Roger Spottiswoode's 80s classic.
A quick look at Terror Train 2 cast
Terror Train 2 features Robyn Alomar in one of the major roles as Alana. She looks in phenomenal form in the trailer, promising to deliver another stunning performance in the movie. She perfectly captures the pain and fear that her character goes through.
Robyn Alomar also starred in the lead role in the earlier remake of Terror Train and garnered mostly positive reviews for her performance in the movie. Her other acting credits include Sneakerella, Baldwin Beauty, and Riot Girls. She also made a brief appearance in the series Utopia Falls.
Starring alongside Alomar in another key role is Tim Rozon, who looks equally impressive in his role as The Magician in the movie. Rozon was also a part of the cast of Terror Train remake and impressed fans with his stellar performance.
Tim Rozon has previously appeared in numerous shows and movies like Beginner's Luck, Love in Wolf Creek, and Wynonna Earp, to name a few. The rest of the supporting cast includes actors like Nadine Bhabha, Matthew Villeneuve, and Romy Weltman, among many others.
Don't forget to catch Terror Train 2 on Tubi on Saturday, December 31, 2022.