The internet was left dumbstruck by the statements made by Rustic Mountain Living owner after she claimed that Black Americans were "Disrespectful, Entitled and unappreciative." On May 21, 2023, The owner of Rustic Mountain Living, a Jamaican cottage rental business, took to Instagram and shared how she is not going to allow any more short-term stays due to the alleged misbehavior of Black American guests.
The original Instagram video by @thebarefootislandlady received over 31k views, while a repost on Twitter by @NikkiThaGodB1 on May 22 amassed over 8.3 million views. Several other Twitter users also reposted this video, which gained massive traction online.
The lady's Instagram video, posted on Sunday, detailed why she stopped allowing short-term stays. The reason she gave was that the black Americans who came for the stays, barring two exceptions, were all "nothing but problem."
The Rustic Mountain Living owner said that while not every Black American is a bad person, the majority of those who availed of her facilities were disrespectful. She stated that America has made them that way and that she isn't risking her happiness and health for people. She further added:
" It is that way because America has spoilt them and given them so much free s**t that they think could come to Jamaica, get the same free s**t and be nasty about it"
Lastly, the owner of Rustic Mountain Living added that she wants to keep her business drama free.
However, as it happens, she faced massive hate online, with some people even calling her a racist. While she received support from a few people who understood and levelled with her statements, some others made mocking remarks and called her "A WHITE SUPREMACIST!!!"

Netizens remain divided as some of Twitter users call The Rustic Mountain Living owner "racist"
Netizens were divided in their opinions to @thebarefootislandlasy's video. In the comments section of the Twitter videos posted by @NikkiThaGodB1 and @MrAndyNgo, some users wanted her Airbnb reported, while others called her a guilty of spreading an insane and dangerous narrative. A few users were also critical of the "free s**t" that she had said Black Americans receive.
A lot of users sided with the lady by saying that she had a right to express her viewpoint. Moreover, they contended that most of what she was saying could allegedly be true. Netizens also called out the people getting defensive by her statements as exactly the kind of people that she was talking about.
The Rustic Mountain Living owner responds to the backlash
The lady in the video did not back out from the massive slew of criticism she received online after she made the statements. Instead, she doubled down on them by posting two more Instagram videos in which she refused to apologize.
The Rustic Mountain Living owner started the video by saying that she was not sorry and let out a big laugh. She further criticized the backlash, stating:
"You can't bully somebody into what you want them to say".
She added:
"I post that video to weed out the bad seeds"
The lady said that her peace was more important than anyone's opinion and that the people who lashed out at her for the video are exactly who she doesn't want there.