TikTok recently suspended North West and Kim Kardashian's joint account on the platform for a brief time. The account, which goes by the name Kim and North, has over 15 million followers and sees videos of the mother-daughter duo dancing, singing, and having fun. However, the account displayed the message suspended for a few hours before the short video sharing app quickly reversed the move.
The mysterious disappearance of the account left netizens confused about what had happened. With no one knowing why the account was banned and showing the message “Account banned,” netizens took this as an opportunity to share hilarious reactions. One social media user hilariously claimed that they thought Kanye could be behind all this.
While it was only North West whose account was blocked for a brief time, Kim Kardashian's personal account, with over 8 million followers on the app, had no problem with her account.
Internet users share hilarious memes as North West's TikTok account gets temporarily suspended on the platform
Social media users were stunned when North West's TikTok account was mysteriously suspended for a brief period, leaving her followers wondering what had happened. The sudden suspension sent shockwaves across the internet as thousands of followers scrambled to find out why North's account was suspended.
While the reason behind the suspension remains unclear, social media users were quick to share their hilarious reactions to the unexpected news. Some Twitter users jokingly alleged that this might have been Kanye West's doing because he did not approve of his daughter, despite Kim Kardashian and North’s joint account, being on TikTok.
However, the account was soon reinstated. Many have since been wondered if there was a glitch with the account due to which it displayed "Account banned" message. However, Just Jared shared that a source close to the kid claimed that she was just taking a break from the app. The media house reported that the source said:
“North has been more interested in focusing her creativity in other areas lately and is taking a break from TikTok. Like most kids, interests change often, so she may be back on as early as tomorrow — or never again.”
Meanwhile, other users on social media have also claimed that since TikTok has a policy requiring users to be 13 years of age or older, and North is only 9 at the moment, it could have been the reason for the brief suspension.
Kanye had previously stated that North West is on TikTok "against his will"
The whole argument between Kim and Kanye related to North West being on TikTok started off publicly in February 2022, just one year after the couple filed for divorce. At the time, Kanye uploaded a screenshot of his daughter on Instagram and said:
The now-deleted screenshot soon went viral on the internet as the world was talking about it. However, Kim Kardashian also spoke out on the matter and stated that her ex-husband's comments have been more hurtful "than North West's TikToks."
Claiming how difficult the divorce has been for the kids, she said:
"From the beginning I have wanted nothing but a healthy and supportive co-parenting relationship because it is what is best for our children and it saddens me that Kanye continues to make it impossible every step of the way."
At the moment, neither Kanye nor Kim have spoken out on the matter.