Netflix's tween dramedy, The Baby-Sitters Club, is all about friendships and the formative teenage years. Based on Ann M. Martin's books and created by Rachel Shukert, it captures the teen lives of seven friends and their everyday struggles. With an important focus on friendship and individual identities, the second season of the show is a delight to watch.
The synonypsis of the show reads:
"Based on the best-selling book series by Ann M. Martin, The Baby-Sitters Club follows seven friends and their babysitting business in Connecticut. As demand for their club continues to grow, founders Kristy Thomas, Mary-Anne Spier, Claudia Kishi, Stacey McGill, and Dawn Schafer have now welcomed new members. With the new school year comes booming business, new relationships but through it all the club is there for each other every step of the way."
'The Baby-Sitters Club' Season 2: Main takeaways from the show
By showcasing deep emotions and throwing light on real-life issues affecting kids, The Baby-Sitters Club is no ordinary show. A generic tween show would generally flounder upon exploring such topics without getting sappy about it. Instead of avoiding such pitfalls, The Baby-Sitters Club dissects these topics in a unique way. It handles each story with honesty and a lack of condescension.
The show may showcase the struggles of youth, but it also shows their evolution through mistakes and brilliantly portrays the confusions of adolescence. A young woman's life doesn't necessarily have to revolve around boys and clothes, and the show made sure to push this angle. It's important to honor one's personality and their relationships. There might be friction at times, but nothing is beyond repair.
The writers are careful to honor each baby-sitter’s unique personality, giving them an arc of their own, and even more importantly, highlighting the unique relationships that hold the Club together. Instead of washing out the girls’ friendships into a generic group hangout, we get to see how each of the girls has her own bonds and points of friction with the others.
The biggest takeaway from the show is that nothing matters if one has good friends to fall back on. Times might get tough and growing up is never easy but if one is confident enough, they can get through it. The Baby-Sitters Club might look like a kid's show but the lessons lessons that are learnt go beyond any particular age group.
The latest season of The Baby-Sitters Club is now streaming on Netflix.